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  1. timt6379

    Downfall of crushed coral???

    Originally Posted by TriGa22 Trates, you have to clean it regurally or it will build up with gunk. It can kill a tank. Sand is better because it lets micro organisms live within and keeps it clean. if you have a good clean up crew will it held maintain the crushed coral
  2. timt6379

    Downfall of crushed coral???

    what is the downfalls of having crushed coral
  3. timt6379

    What is comming up????

    Originally Posted by floatingfish a brittle star will get about 10-12" from what i have read. just keep it feed and you should be ok. the same can be said for emarald crabs, they can get about 3" and can eat your fish if hungry. if you just pick some of what you mentioned and not over do it you...
  4. timt6379

    What is comming up????

    what shoulld i do
  5. timt6379

    What you think?

  6. timt6379

    What you think?

    just a question that pink stuff on the sides is that alge? is it good? is it a sighn of a good tank or what>?
  7. timt6379

    What is comming up????

    i have had my tank going for 3 weeks and i am starting 2 investigate what kind of clean up crew i should get. i want a brittle star i have a 55 gal tank and around 45lbs of LR I was wondering how big they start out and if they grow,and if they grow how big will they get. what else shoud i get...
  8. timt6379

    What is a drip??

    what is and how do u do a drip
  9. timt6379

    stuff in ther LR

    ok so i bought a good bit of LR today and when i put it in i saw a crab fall out of a rock and noticed a coupld of snails, i have had my tank goin for 2 weeks and i was wondering if they would servive die or what?
  10. timt6379

    How long do you drip acclimate your fish???

    WHat is a drip???
  11. timt6379

    Shouldn't I have green algae?

    i heard that during your cycling process that u will begin to have alot of brown alge and the green alge is from like sunlight and ur aqarium lighting, but hey if u dont have 2 worrry bout it good for u
  12. timt6379

    Emerald Crab, funny story

  13. timt6379

    Snails or Hermits?

    ive been told that snails, a brittle star, a few emerald crabs r excellent to have as a clean up crew
  14. timt6379

    What is this thing in my tank????

    now that i have pics does any1 have any ideas what it is
  15. timt6379

    What are the best test kits?

    im bout to buy a master test kit $35
  16. timt6379

    What is this thing in my tank????

    Originally Posted by wattsupdoc its a flesh eating micro jelly fungii. :scared: bad deffinetly bad!! j/k get a pic if you can dude i read the first part be4 i scrolled down and was like dude im flesh
  17. timt6379


    so basically the shrimp clean up after the snail, and the snail the alge. sounds good
  18. timt6379

    What is this thing in my tank????

    I have had my new tank goin for a week and a 1/2 and the lat couple of days i have noticed somthing. I bought a barnicle cluster from the LPS she said it was dead......but it appears to be alive.... i have noticed that there is some sort of light purple substance growing on it. i couldnt help...
  19. timt6379

    r sponges good or bad???

    Originally Posted by mopar9012 if its a sponge...its good well what do they do for the tank
  20. timt6379

    r sponges good or bad???

    i have noticed a small area on 1 of my live rocks were it seems 2 have a very light green looking substance on it, sponge is what it appears to be