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  1. rigby

    Feeding anemones?

    I just suck up some brine shrimp with my turkey baster and GENTLY squirt it on the tentacles.
  2. rigby

    What size overflow is needed?

    I have mag 950 gph for a return pump. The water has to travel up about 4 feet back to the display tank. What GHP overflow box would you recommend? TY
  3. rigby

    CPR hang on refugium

    Does anyone have any good or bad stories concerning a CPR hang on? I've decided I don't really want to mess with all the plumbing on an under the tank regugium, and this way will probably be cheaper too. I'm a little concerned though about the added weight hanging on the outside of the tank...
  4. rigby

    cpr Hang-On Refugiums

    Does anyone have any good or bad stories concerning a CPR hang on? I've decided I don't really want to mess with all the plumbing on an under the tank regugium, and this way will probably be cheaper too. I'm a little concerned though about the added weight hanging on the outside of the tank...
  5. rigby

    who had that new 800 gallon?

    Does anyone know who had that huge new auqarium, I'd like to look at the pics again. it was sitting in the wall the long way instead of up and down
  6. rigby

    Overflow needed?

    a U tube overflow you say, what is that exactly?
  7. rigby

    reef fish suggestion : favorite fish vote

    what size tank is required for a betta, and you say they don't harm inverts other than shrimp? I have a pretty decent size blood- red shrimp, any expirience with these two together. If he touches him I'd be pretty upset.
  8. rigby

    overflow needed?

    I'm looking to build a sump/fuge combination below my tank. I was hoping to use just a siphon effect down to it but I've gotten the advice that I needed an overflow for this purpose, do you agree? If so what overflow do you recommend? I cannot drill the tank. Please and thank you for your help!
  9. rigby

    Overflow needed?

    I'm looking to build a sump/fuge combination below my tank. I was hoping to use just a siphon effect down to it but I've gotten the advice that I needed an overflow for this purpose, do you agree? If so what overflow do you recommend? I cannot drill the tank. Please and thank you for your help!
  10. rigby

    PVC pipe sizes?

    Ok, I give in. What's a good overflow. I can't do any drilling, I already have the tank set up (65 gal). Are there any other options, I'm a poor student and an overflow is gonna be at least $50. Thanks so much
  11. rigby

    PVC pipe sizes?

    What if I divide the sump in 3 o 4 sections with 10 gallons (approx) in each. If I then loose the siphon the copartment will only have 10 gallons for the pump to pump. Would the pump burn up without water?
  12. rigby

    pump needed for refugium

    Since my sump/fuge will be below the tank can't I just use gravity as a pump and then allow enough room in the sump for overflow in the case the power goes out? And what is the best sealant to use to put the sump together? thanks much
  13. rigby

    PVC pipe sizes?

    Thanks for the help bythe way. What is a HOB U tube overflow? I figure I'll just put the syphon 2-3 inches deep into my tank, that way if the power goes out it can only suck up like 30 gallons of water and I'll have a 40 gallon sump. I realize i'm a bit uneducated so far but I'm trying.
  14. rigby

    reef fish suggestion : favorite fish vote

    Isn't a marine betta pretty aggresive? What CAN'T it be with?
  15. rigby

    PVC pipe sizes?

    I'm just going to use a siphon effect to get the water down (should i use a pump?) and into the sump. I have no idea what a bulkhead or a stand pipe is sorry, please explain.
  16. rigby

    PVC pipe sizes?

    I'm looking for advice on what size PVC pipes to get for my sump. I'm going to be using gravity for intake and a Mag-Drive Supreme 9.5 950 GPH Water Pump back to the tank. If I use the same size PVC for both directions will the pump go faster than the intake? The water has to travel back...
  17. rigby

    PVC pipe sizes?

    I'm looking for advice on what size PVC pipes to get for my sump. I'm going to be using gravity for intake and a Mag-Drive Supreme 9.5 950 GPH Water Pump back to the tank. If I use the same size PVC for both directions will the pump go faster than the intake? The water has to travel back...
  18. rigby

    reef fish suggestion : favorite fish vote

    thanks everyone, maybe i'll get a wrasse and a flame angel
  19. rigby

    reef fish suggestion : favorite fish vote

    I fwould would like I wish that you would share your favorite fish with me so that I might be able to make up my mind on what to get. I would really like a tang, any success stories for those og us with 65 gallons tanks?
  20. rigby

    pump needed for refugium

    Will a ten gallon refugium be big enough, (65 gal tank)? Since it is so small what are the Vital parts and/or organism to a fuge? What is the best pump for this project? I have an extra rio 1100 would that be enough? And I'm probably just a little slow but I still do not understand how too...