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  1. seabry

    New job at pet store

    I try never to guess..I would rather say "I don't know, but I will find out for you". I know I hate when people guess too...still I would like to learn as much as possible.
  2. seabry

    Can I Add this?

    I have a scooter blenny, a mandarin goby and an ornate wrasse in my tank they leave each other alone, the only time I have seen my wrasse be aggressive was when a snail when by where he sleeps, he gave it a boot (bite at it) and moved it him self...was very cool to watch
  3. seabry

    Sebae anemone

    Is there anything I can do to lower the chances of me being stung? the guy at the fish store was stung and his hand was all swollen up by the time we got to the in a minute.
  4. seabry

    New job at pet store

    I so Very Happy! Just got hired at a local pet store in the marine area, and I want to be able to jump in with lots of info. I am really good at identifing fish, but coral on the other hand I'm still not as good as I would like to be. I was hoping someone would know a good site that has coral...
  5. seabry

    OT: lost my snake HELP!!

    I lost one of my snakes way back when I had them. I just turned down the heat (not to low) and made an area that was warmer than the rest of the room (used a heating blanket) he was there a day later. You could also try just looking in warm places (that is if you don't live somewhere really warm)
  6. seabry

    Sebae anemone

    I just bought a Sebae and I was wondering how long should I drip it for, I usually do my fish fo 45 min. but this is a fleshy creature, and I haven't done too many of them... and Ideas?:D
  7. seabry

    OT: war in Iraq

    I may be Canadian, but I know that war is not fun. People die and if you think USA should go to war think of it this way, you indirectly are huhrting some ones you don't see eye to eye, so people have secrete (in this case a big secret) but if they were going to bomb they would...
  8. seabry

    ID this crap?

    I don't know of any crabs that spit, but as for the white body and purple dots, could it be an anemone crab Are they little dots or big dots?
  9. seabry

    Molts - what do you do with them??

    I've never taken them out, probably never will take them out, let the tank clean it up
  10. seabry

    tank temp, 75 ok?

    I heard from a friend that, he keeps his tank temp low (about 78) he says that it helps keep algae down....I don't know if it's true but his stuff seems to be doing fine, mind you he only has triggers...I don't know if that has something to do with it.
  11. seabry

    Red Slime

    I also have a red algae problem, I have tried water changeing but it doen't seem to go away, I had a problem with my PO4 but it's 0 now, and yet it still grows
  12. seabry

    feather dusters

    I have never really know where they come from...I know that they grow on the LR and you can buy them, but can you promote them to grow? Is there an additive that will work? I've got only one that I can see and it's under a rock....I want more of them
  13. seabry

    bristtle worms (okay or bad)

    well I would love to take a pic of it but my roomy thought it was food in the glass and dumped it in...grrrrr...I can describle it. Its gray/pink in colour with white hairs coming out it's side.
  14. seabry

    Aquascaping pic:)

    make sure to keep us posted on the proggress. I'm really interested in that you are going to put in it.;)
  15. seabry

    bristtle worms (okay or bad)

    Well it's already 5 inches. and I don't have sand I have how big till they become troublesome?
  16. seabry

    fish names

    I name mine. percula clowns are named monty and naomi (just because) Christmas wrasse is named Kris...sorta self explanitory Mandarin gody is named Gomase Fire goby is named inferno cuz I though it would be fun :D and the scooter blennie hasn't been named yet
  17. seabry

    Aquascaping pic:)

    wow! how many lbs of LR do you have in there? I really like the way that looks
  18. seabry

    bristtle worms (okay or bad)

    I was looking at my tank after turning the lights off and this worm came out to play....I searched the web and it a bristtle worm, but I have't been able to find out if they are okay....I have take it out of the tank until I know if it's safe to be in there.
  19. seabry


    I feed mine mysis shrimp, he's fat so he obviosly likes it
  20. seabry

    OT: black dot on thread

    Why is it that the threads I start have black dots on the envelope pic?