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  1. razor vampire

    how many damsels...

    I think 5-7 damsel is max
  2. razor vampire

    A couple of Hitchhikers

    I though damsel are hardy? Besides I am not going to keep it.
  3. razor vampire

    A couple of Hitchhikers

    Originally Posted by essop3 Depends on the type of crab. Hairy legs mean it's probably bad. What are your numbers for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? The feathery thing is a feather duster. They are good. They are filter feeders. The crab is hairy I don't know. It's close for a clown fish to...
  4. razor vampire

    Anglefish in a small tank

    What's so bad about putting an anglefish in a small tank? Can it just live a lazy life. Why does it need so much room for swimming?
  5. razor vampire

    A couple of Hitchhikers

    Is a crab bad for a reef tank? If so how do I take it out?
  6. razor vampire

    A couple of Hitchhikers

    Originally Posted by essop3 You'll need to wait over a week for a clown. You shouldn't have a damsel right now. Do a search for the word cycle. That will help a lot. The hitch hikers are hard to say without pics. 1 sounds like a sponge 2 maybe a crab- most hitch hiker crabs are bad 3 sounds...
  7. razor vampire

    Dwarf Angel in a 33 cube?

    I think for a flame anglefish the min is 25 gallons. So I think you're Ok with an flame anglefish.
  8. razor vampire

    A couple of Hitchhikers

    I started my 12 gallons tank about a week ago. There is live rocks, live sand, add a damsel. The water test is not right. High nirtrias, amino (spelling?) Anyway I have to wait a week before getting a clown fish. I can't add any anemone until 3 months. I found a couple of Hitchhikers. One looks...
  9. razor vampire

    Here my plan for a 12 gallons

    Is there any kind of anglefish I could keep well? How about a Pygmy Angelfish
  10. razor vampire

    For a 12 gallons how many 1in fish?

    Originally Posted by Dawman Emperor will be a little big for that tank even a little one . How about a small Annularis Angelfish
  11. razor vampire

    For a 12 gallons how many 1in fish?

    I was thinking of starting out with a: Percula clown fish Mandarin fish Emperor angelfish (Small) Along with taking the damsel out How does this sound?
  12. razor vampire

    Here my plan for a 12 gallons

    There is tiny green grass things growing my live rocks, along with pink sticks things. Look like tree trunk, and bumps but bright pink. And not part of the rocks. I have only had my tank since June 15. Just have one damsel. As for a 12 gallon, I was thinking of starting out with a Percula...
  13. razor vampire

    White speaks in my water

    I just brought a new tank, with filters. Is high calcium bad? I don't think my rocks are dead, it's has alot of white spots along with pink and purple color.
  14. razor vampire

    For a 12 gallons how many 1in fish?

    how many tiny 1-3in fish can a 12 gallons tank hold? I was thinking of 1 blenny 1 clown 1 damsel 1 basslet Is that too many?
  15. razor vampire

    White speaks in my water

    There is all this tiny white suff swimming around my water. It's not air for sure. Ever since I put my live rocks in all this white cloud speaks been swimming around. Do you think it may be from the live rocks? I just put in my first fish today. Blue damels.
  16. razor vampire

    I just got live rocks now what?

    What should I add first after the cycle/shrimp? Fish or anemones. I would really love to start with bubble tip kind of anemones for my clown fish. I thought fish were last to add?
  17. razor vampire

    I just got live rocks now what?

    Now . . . add a RAW, peeled shrimp. Drop it in the tank and let it sit there. As the shrimp decomposes it will add ammonia to the system to jump start the nitrogen cycle. You could accomplish the same goal by feeding the tank as if there were fish in it, you would also accomplish the same goal...
  18. razor vampire

    I just got live rocks now what?

    Originally Posted by m0nk I wouldn't trust a LFS to tell you if the rock was properly cured or not any way so you should probably just expect that you're starting the tank at the beginning of the cycle. There's a sticky in the New Hobbyists section that has great links to other threads to help...
  19. razor vampire

    I just got live rocks now what?

    I don't know what you mean by cured. They were in warm/salt water. Kinda purple looking.
  20. razor vampire

    I just got live rocks now what?

    Hey, this is my first time starting salt/warm water tank, so sorry if I asks "dumb" questions. Anyway, I just brought lives rocks for my 12 gallons tank. Everything seem to be going right, sand, a heater, needed to put together my protein skimmer, filter working ect. My question is, what's...