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  1. dilan

    stocking a 55gal

  2. dilan

    stocking a 55gal

    Oh I forgot to tell you that i tested it and everything is good
  3. dilan

    stocking a 55gal

    fuval 404 with a powerhead 905
  4. dilan


    i have a fuval 404 with a 905 powerhead
  5. dilan

    stocking a 55gal

    I have a 55gal FOWLER tank and I need help stocking it it is a peaceful tank. So far I have all small fish. Fish in tanka are 2clowns, carpenter flasher wrasse, 6 line wrasse, shrimp. I do not want any other wrasses. Iamo hoping to get one more shrimp and 2firefish thats the fish I want but...
  6. dilan

    Ideas for a peaceful tank

    I am starting a peaceful tank in a 55gal to and I had success for keep ing 2c;lowns a 6linewrasse carpenter flasher wrasse this fish Is so beautiful
  7. dilan

    Thinkin about an aggresive tank

    THe niger trigger will be happy in a 55gal I successfully kept 2 in a 55 gal
  8. dilan

    red thorny starfish

    I just got a red thorny starfish I need some advice on how to feed it and take care of it and also is a chocolate chip starfish good for a FOWLER tank which is a 55gal
  9. dilan

    cleaner shrimp compatibilit6y

    i forgot tro say that my tank is aggressive
  10. dilan

    cleaner shrimp compatibilit6y

    it is a niger trigger and my puffer didn't attack any of my crabs and my niger didn't either will a couple damsels and a gobie get aloung with those fish
  11. dilan

    cleaner shrimp compatibilit6y

    will 2 clownfish a triggerfish a dogface puffer and a 3-4 damsels will get along with a 1-2 cleaner shrimps
  12. dilan


    My dad has 8 chromes 3 big and 5 very small a coral beauty 4 clowns very small a powder blue tang a sailfin tang a kole tang and a sailfin tang
  13. dilan


    i also have a puffer and 2 big clowns a a big niger trigger
  14. dilan


    i am 12 nd my dad has a 180 gal
  15. dilan


    what aggressive tangs can i put in with a niger trigger and a dogface puffer and 2 clownfish. it should be able to go into a 55 gal then when it grows big it can go into a 180.
  16. dilan

    Trigger compatible?

    if you want advice dont get a flame angel or a grouper or they will become food for the triggers i learned from experience
  17. dilan

    What new fish should I add?

    my dad has a powder blue tang it is one amazing looking fish and i wouldn't put a 6 nline wrasse i wanted one and did the research and it turns out they could sometimes be aggressive
  18. dilan

    Niger trigger

    i did research it and all it said is caution and plus my dad had one and it didnt kill anything
  19. dilan

    Niger trigger

    would my dogface puffer go good with a sailfin tang
  20. dilan

    Niger trigger

    thanks for the commett i am only 12 and have a 55 gal can you help me with the fish i should put i have two clownfish that aree 2-3 inches