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  1. silverado61

    Drill glass for sump

    I drilled my 72g for two overflows and a return jet. You just can't drill the bottom glass because it's most likely tempered.
  2. silverado61

    Has anyone seen this before?

    It seems to be splitting.
  3. silverado61

    Do saltwater fish need to drink?

    Important physiological differences exist between saltwater fish and freshwater fish. Both have body fluids that are similar in composition. In freshwater species, the surrounding water, although containing some dissolved substances, is less salty than the body fluids. The opposite situation...
  4. silverado61

    How to quarantine Kole tang

    If you treat the tank with copper you'll never be able to put corals in there again and you won't be able to reuse the rocks either. Correct me if I'm wrong Beth.
  5. silverado61

    5 days into cycle, normal?

    What did you use to start your cycle?
  6. silverado61

    New to salt water

    That's nothing I would have tried. But I'm old school.
  7. silverado61

    New to salt water

    Your salinity needs to go back up to 1.024-33. Lower your temp a couple of degrees. Ph I think should be at 8.2. What are you using to kickstart your cycle to get the beneficial bacteria established?
  8. silverado61

    New to salt water

    What are the test result numbers of everything your testing for.? What test kit are you using? What procedure are you using to cycle your tank? I wouldn't add anything yet till we know these answers.
  9. silverado61

    New to salt water

    I think he meant clown fish.
  10. silverado61

    Need help beth!

    You can post it when you PM her
  11. silverado61

    Creating a QT for LPS corals

    Just remember when you transfer to turn your display lights down for a couple of days then slowly ramp them over that course of time.
  12. silverado61

    Creating a QT for LPS corals

    If your corals don't look good they're not thriving. If you want to go with a inexpensive light invest in a LED natural white light bulb available at most home improvement centers. You can use a clamp on shop light for this. I would stay away from natural sunlight if I were you.
  13. silverado61

    Tangs, tangs, tangs. HELP!

    Anemones really need an established tank. If I was in your position (and thank God I'm not. I would hate having my hands tied in your line of work) I would sell them on a per-order basis and make sure to ask if their tank is at least 9 moths old. But that's just me.
  14. silverado61

    Tangs, tangs, tangs. HELP!

    It should be worth the effort. Increase the drip and you can cut that time back to 1-1/2 to 2hrs.
  15. silverado61

    Tangs, tangs, tangs. HELP!

    I managed a restaurant for a few years so I do understand shrink although we called it waste. Maybe they (bosses) would let you set up a separate quarantine tank labeled "Not For Sale" just for Tangs and Angels. A 30g would work. Just a simple tank with a HOB filter, minimal lighting, heater, a...
  16. silverado61

    Tangs, tangs, tangs. HELP!

    Any API test kits are at the bottom of the list as far as accuracy in testing. API test strips are intended for spot checks to indicate that there is a problem and shouldn't be counted on as far as actual test results go. In regards to your salinity your caught between a rock and a hard place...
  17. silverado61

    Tangs, tangs, tangs. HELP!

    Do you regularly test the suppliers water to see what gravity they send new stock to you in? If there's even a subtle difference between their gravity and yours just tossing them in without acclimating them to your salt gravity would send your new stock into stress. Tangs have a thinner slime...
  18. silverado61

    Given a wonderful gift...but.

    Yes, there is a chance of any Nem doing that but that just proves the point. And no, you don't sound defensive. You have questions and need answers.
  19. silverado61

    Cycling issues and Dr. Tim's arrived frozen :(

    Any level of Ammonia is a dangerous level. It burns their gills and they can suffocate.
  20. silverado61

    Given a wonderful gift...but.

    There's a couple more items to note: I know you don't have corals now but Chocolate Chips and Pink Urchins love to dine on corals. I'd keep an eye on the Bubble Tip. If it decides to get pissed off or just dies I don't think your filtration is adequate to handle the fallout. Just a thought.