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  1. steelchromis

    Ready for additions!

    Forgot to add, nice rock formation.:D
  2. steelchromis

    Ready for additions!

    You could start off with a pair of percula clowns. Then if you are getting a reef tank, you can get a cleaner shrimp or two.
  3. steelchromis

    # Of fish safe in 29 gallon?

    get some clowns, some firefish or cardinalfish. They all stay small and don't require too much swimming room.
  4. steelchromis

    New user

    Hello to you too.:D and welcome.
  5. steelchromis

    my tank pics

    Nice tank overall, I agree, you should get a fish that swims a lot, like an angel.
  6. steelchromis

    has anyone ever seen thier scooter benny

    When I had one, he would go up to glass and do the same thing.
  7. steelchromis

    Lighting for 29 gallon reef

    Is there a brand that I should be looking for when purchasing a retro fit kit? Also can I use the lights I have now? I bought them about 3 weeks ago.
  8. steelchromis

    Lighting for 29 gallon reef

    24 inches.
  9. steelchromis


    Yes, my blue legged hermits eat the leftover food and detitrus in my tank. As long as youd don't have a reef tank, a chocolate chip starfish is a good detitrus eater.
  10. steelchromis


    For one thing, a queen conch gets much bigger.
  11. steelchromis

    Whew!! 10 days no power.

    Glad to see that you have made it through ok.
  12. steelchromis


    I would suggest a book to do research. Also what is the specific subject you are researching.
  13. steelchromis

    size of hippo tangs

    I think around 11-12".
  14. steelchromis

    pic of blue hippo tangs

    Fishtanker, is that an achielles tang or orange cheek tang or neither?
  15. steelchromis

    where taters come from OT

    mmm.........enormous amount of potatoes.
  16. steelchromis

    WAY OT: Please Read

    Joker, I hope you get everything straightened out soon.
  17. steelchromis

    Lighting for 29 gallon reef

    How much would you say that is?
  18. steelchromis

    New to the Board

    Welcome Rover, hopefully in the future, you can answer some of my questions and I can answer yours.
  19. steelchromis

    ot help with new avatar

  20. steelchromis

    ot help with new avatar

    Either search the web for one or download a pic from your computer. Go to your user cp and go to avatar in order to change it.