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  1. poniegirl

    Seahorse stopped eating

    Well, it does sound like the clock is winding down. If she eating at all and can swim/hitch/rest, I would just let her be. Everyone else OK?
  2. poniegirl

    Seahorse stopped eating

    How is she, Grumpygills?
  3. poniegirl

    What the Heck!?!?!?!

    Originally Posted by Rackyrane Well, my 8 year old has the salt water bug as bad as my husband and I do. The poor kid didn't have a chance with all the tanks around. Well, my husband built a nano for him and he wanted a pipefish. He received his Caribbean pipefish about 10 days ago. We started...
  4. poniegirl

    Looking For Pipefish Info

    Originally Posted by Seattle Hmmm...Then i'll keep it to 2 Seahorses and maybe a False Percula Pair. Sorry to say, a 12 gallon tank would be too small for either pair of those fish, much less all. Have a look in the nano tank board, there will be a lot of great info for tanks of that gallonage.
  5. poniegirl

    The Rock had air in his pouch.

    My, he looks very healthy! At 8 or 9 months old, he is just reaching sexual maturity (it is based on the development of the pouch, varies with species). I have searched and can't find info on how wild males deal with any such phenomenon. But they must? I think he looks just prime, flpriest, a...
  6. poniegirl

    pics of my girls...

    I can't recall if you have live rock? If so, given the age of your tank, you could easily forego the cartridge media. This may be the milky culprit. (Or use some LR rubble as media)
  7. poniegirl

    call me exited, but...

    Originally Posted by MonaLisa At this point the coral skeletons have been sprouting some really cool looking coraline (lime green), and actually right from the start I've noted (on occasion) both of my horses snicking at them. Whether that snicking is successful, I don't know. It is my plan...
  8. poniegirl

    Show pics of your schooling fish!

    The best I can do.
  9. poniegirl

    The Rock had air in his pouch.

    Originally Posted by reefreak29 first off i would like to say it sounds like you have a very nice set up secondly based on what you said im going to say the rock has pouch emphysema due to decaying embrionic mater in the pouch wich produces gas and bloating. this happens to virgin seahorses...
  10. poniegirl

    I think this is a great site, have a look! I have searched the site and have not seen a single thing for sale. If there is, they have it so well hidden! However, they do accept donations. Enjoy!
  11. poniegirl

    i know nothing about seahorses

    There is a whole lot not stated in some sites! That is interesting. I'll be out looking, now. Thank you.
  12. poniegirl

    Want to see the people who frequent this site..

    This is me about a year ago...grey/blonde hair, green eyes and the rest changes without notice.
  13. poniegirl

    The Rock had air in his pouch.

    How old is The Rock? Does he have a mate and have they been successful breeding? I have heard that so-called "virgin" males develope the pouch emphysema more commonly than, well, those who are not virgin. I wonder if it has to do with the seahorses body, at certain times, being ready to breed...
  14. poniegirl

    Looking For Pipefish Info

    I'm not sure if I've seen any pipefish keepers, yet... I know only the basics. I believe these fish are wild caught and are difficult to feed because of that. Seahorses were the same, some years ago, until folks began to "farm" them for sale. Unless there are captive bred pipefish out there...
  15. poniegirl

    i know nothing about seahorses

    Originally Posted by reefreak29 Well, that's a cheesy grin! The avatar and that smiley together... So is it like the bends, sort of?
  16. poniegirl

    wanting to start a seahorse tank.

    Originally Posted by nu2salt hey guys i was wondering if a 20l tank would be suitable for seahorses. these creatures are all that seems to interest my wife when it comes to saltwater. i have a 75 mixed reef but she shows very little interest in it. so i as thinking about setting her up a horse...
  17. poniegirl

    starting over

    Originally Posted by VALgae a good 7 months i kind of took my time putting it together. seeded the sand bed from my 55 switched a few rocks from each tank also. for pod pop. I would be afraid that adding 3 fish to a 24 gallon that had only been cycled for 4 or 5 months may have sent the tank...
  18. poniegirl

    i know nothing about seahorses

    I agree with the need for 3X the adult length if you plan to breed the seahorses. If you choose same gender seahorses, 2X the height is OK, in my opinion. I'm not familiar with the pressure issue that was mentioned.
  19. poniegirl

    Pics of my 2 CB reidi

    It looks great, Pete! What are the blade-like plants?
  20. poniegirl

    call me exited, but...

    Originally Posted by MonaLisa Hey, done and done...BUT I'm not going to do anything in that tank very quickly...I'm talking S-L-O-W. I totally agree with what you've suggested and will take care of it, but in time...these little ones stress too easily, and I don't want messing with their...