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  1. quakstar

    ID Please. Odd LFS Hermit.

    I have seen a few go after zoos, xenia, pipe organ things they can mow like algae
  2. quakstar

    ID Please. Odd LFS Hermit.

    yeah i would say from personal experience any hermit crab with fur are never good for a reef tank
  3. quakstar

    clownfish and very rare damsel pictures here!

    It has a beautful color now, Give it about 7-9 months and it turns the most beautful color of black!!!
  4. quakstar

    480gal, shark, eel pics

    where do you see MHs?
  5. quakstar

    Sand from the beach?

    Some of the random bacteria you might get off the beach might make you cringe as well
  6. quakstar

    auto log out for inactive logins

    Never got to much response to my last comment about a possible live ability to communicate on this forum... Similar to the new setup on facebook it stays inside the web page and does not require a download you can just have instant communications on the site while you are on like a live...
  7. quakstar

    Engineer Goby question and opinions!

    see i kinda feel that experience i have put a few inverts in there that have just vanished over night and he could definitely just take shrimp down in one gulp
  8. quakstar

    auto log out for inactive logins

    I am not very webpage building savy but has anyone here have facebook they just came out with a new messageing system that allows instentanious chat between memeber now that would be awsome on this site
  9. quakstar

    all rays at calgary zoo died

    I don't know rays are not something to just crash and die especially that many at that fast of a time... Plus the exhibit was new and they are going to send the water off to a national test facility to have it publicly tested... But honestly if it is bad management or some type of activist...
  10. quakstar

    zoanthid opinion questions

    Those of you who have had experience with zoanthids and them growing very well... What did you do.... Example Did you feed them somehow did you cut them put some type of flow or lighting just any hobby tricks that you folks may know to help accelerate zoanthid growth
  11. quakstar

    Triggers with small SB's

    I used to have a 72 bow that i kept a huma huma and a niger in and I can not see why they would like to have a shallower sand be my niger just hid in the rocks but the huma huma used to swim down and suck up the sand and go to the top and make a fountain of sand back down plus as much as...
  12. quakstar

    Engineer Goby question and opinions!

    Ok so I have an engineer goby in my 90 gallon reef he has been in there about a year and a half now as you can imagine he is pretty big. My question is have people had problems with engineer gobys and inverts bc i would kinda like to put a couple shrimp in my tank but the way mine eats i did...
  13. quakstar

    Getting a Pico Tank

    plus your fixture would be bigger than your tank
  14. quakstar

    Corals from my frag tank. Just Pics

    actually yesterday was the first time i had ever seen it too but it is on a competitors site for sale wysiwyg Care Level: Easy Temperament: Semi-aggressive Lighting: Moderate Waterflow: Medium Placement: Middle to Top Water Conditions: 72-78° F, sg 1.023-1.025, pH 8.1-8.4, dKH 8-12...
  15. quakstar

    Any Stingray Keepers? Need Some Advice!

    PS just for heads up gold fish are not good for lions there are other fresh water fish that are better feeders
  16. quakstar

    Corals from my frag tank. Just Pics

    it is called a palm tree coral
  17. quakstar

    Free Duncan Frag, for those who see whats amiss

    I got it he has an extra fin on his side
  18. quakstar

    36in t5 fixture

    if falls through hit me up I am interested as well
  19. quakstar

    I am soo happy, first time this ever happen to me

    Wow so i am guessing she came from where ever you got her preg that is the coolest thing i think i have ever seen in a tank
  20. quakstar

    To reefkprz and all other frag tankers

    well if you reconsider I have a nice size warehouse already and the cost of living is dirt cheap down here :-D