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  1. 03

    when can i add my next fish?

    i would say that 1 week or about ten days is good rule of thumb but if you checked the system and it is good sounds like a home run add the fish
  2. 03

    Getting impatient

    yes i think something is wrong there. did you have the filter going for that period or did you change the filter material while you were cycleing. or recheck your test kit maybe something is wrong with that
  3. 03

    biospheres or maracyn2?

    try some trisulfa that will work!
  4. 03

    blue ribbon eel

    try this to feed,Will take mussel, cockle, squid, shrimp and lancefish, at night if possible
  5. 03

    info on metal halides

    hi liz:i would like to think that i don't have a anti stand.but i do think that halides have a place in a aquatic environment
  6. 03

    Lifegard System vs. Emperor 400

    the lifegard is a good sys,i don't have any info on the other i don't use it
  7. 03

    info on metal halides

    Spectral Analysis of Metal Halide Lamps Used in the Reef Aquarium Hobby Part 3 — 250-Watt Metal Halide Lamps In the first two parts of this series of articles we presented a spectral analysis of new and used 400-watt metal halide lamps. In this article we will analyze the spectral output...
  8. 03


    buddie you never cycle a tank with clown fish ,damsils and mollies.i would tank the clowns out before they die it sounds like they are on there way.see if you fish store will hold them until it is cycled.
  9. 03

    help please???

    hi:welcome to the board.the crab won't make it thru the cycle nor will most of the pretty little thing's on the live rock but it will grow really don't want to get real expensive live rock for cyc.for that reason!!base rock is also seeded and not as costly
  10. 03

    Why does my lfs tell me I don't need a skimmer?

    maybe he wants your fish not to do well so you can buy more!!
  11. 03

    ETSS 1200 skimmer question

    are you sure of the model number i don't have that in my cat.
  12. 03

    Is my tank overloaded ??

    well i would say no but you are getting real close i hope you have pretty good filtration on there
  13. 03

    Reef Crystals

    the only difference is nitrates in some salt mixtures that i have found if you have inverts i would consider might be worth the extra bucks but for fish i would not botherinstant is just as good.i think instant makes reef crystals lol!!they have you coming and going.
  14. 03


    you said you nave a wet dry it will be ok to remove the cc you can leave 1/2 inch on the bottom of the tank that is what the suggestion is with a wet dry!!
  15. 03

    He's still upside down!!!

    flip it right side up and leave it alone it is looking for a place to attach itself,do you have good water movement in the tank if so it will be alright!
  16. 03

    should i clean the glass?

    sure you can wipe the glass off you want to se in the tank right!u can use a brand new household sponge if u have one
  17. 03

    Fish Stocking

    sounds good you should be alright with that!!
  18. 03

    What should i use?

    well what was the name on it ????????????????
  19. 03

    What should i use?

    well about the silicone seal it will almost go away in about ten years,he was right the guy who told you that wasn't the brightest star in the sky.also about the cycle you most likley killed some bacteria but not to worry you didn't do enough to kill as far as adding fish the puffer i...
  20. 03

    think twice halide people

    Originally posted by Ironreef: <STRONG>maybe not in a fo but i had 4-110w vho had a green sinulara for 5 yrs have pic of the growth. when I added the halides in one year I equal the growth from 5yrs. for corals some do alot better with halides =sps and clams. The alga bloom was just diatoms...