Some reasons that it's great to be a guy:
Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.
is virtually always female.
A 5-day vacation requires only one suitcase.
You don't have to monitor your friends' --- lives.
Your bathroom lines are 80% shorter.
You can open all your own...
There's a story in the paper today were some of the 2,500 people brought here from the hurricane to my state. A lady got a 2,000$ debit card what do you think this homeless lady did with her Debit card? How about buy a 800$ pocket book.
Thing I have learned from watching the news on TV during the last eight
- days
- The hurricane only hit black families' property.
- New Orleans was devastated and no other city was affected by the
- hurricane.
- Mississippi is reported to have a tree blown down.
- New Orleans has no white...
Hey that great new that the fish are doing good. :happyfish To the other person my oldest daughter is a bit jeolous of her new baby brother but I try to leave time just for me and her. as for the weekends my wife
's feed at night then to BUT in return I have to take my daughter to...
Man you were correct I got the Xbox Live tonight and I've been playing for like 6 hours. Nascar Chase for the cup. Great game online. I love it :jumping: :jumping: