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  1. elvictre

    Blue Hippo Tang

    I have one in my 75 and it was 1 inch 1 year ago, and now it's about 5 inches. They grow fast so as far as a few years like you asked I would say no. Vic
  2. elvictre

    87 Degrees!

    Make RO/Di ice. I use it for everything.
  3. elvictre

    what corals will mix with a coral beauty ang

    I have a coral beauty in my tank and it doesn't bother a thing.......but I did have a bi color that ate every polyp it could find. So like clarki said hit or miss. Good Luck Vic
  4. elvictre

    DSB and more LR

    Is there a reason I can't seem to get one reponse from any treads I start on It seems like I allways get ignored on this board. Vic
  5. elvictre

    125 Gallon 8 Month Birthday

    OK Dude, what the hell do you do to keep the glass and the sand soo clean? Your tank kicks toosh. Vic
  6. elvictre

    Yellow Polyps started disappear one by one

    My peppermint ate mine as well and then started doing a job on my zoos. It could most definatly be a critter, I would just keep a look out after the lights go out. Vic
  7. elvictre

    DSB and more LR

    I have a question regarding critters that live in your DSB and the amount of LR in a tank. I want to add more LR to my tank but I am worried that if I cover up too much of my sand bed my sand sifting critters will perish. I love the look of most of the tanks here on with lots of LR...
  8. elvictre

    Galexia needs

    I have one, it was my first coral. I have it located halfway up in my tank and it's sweepers get to about 6 to 8 inches. It seems to be thriving in my tank and I have 440 watts of VHO, so I would say your lighting is OK. As far as keeping it neer other corals, mine is nest to my hammer and they...
  9. elvictre

    Added more wattage, now a few questions

    I added a 500 watt MH retro to my canopy tonight. I already had 440 watts of VHO. I am going to run the VHO's as actinic. I didn't get the MH bulbs yet (they will there this week). I also still have to add a few fans. After mounting the fixtures and placing it back over my tank I see that I only...
  10. elvictre

    What is hidding in this picture?

    See It, very cool shot.
  11. elvictre

    making bulk live rock

    OK I started reading this thread, but of course I can't see your pics of you DIY rocks. I think they were lost in the site upgrade. Anyway to refresh it? I would love to make my own rock for ym next tank project. Thanks Vic
  12. elvictre

    Aggressive Zoos

    Yes that is not zoos, It's grape caluerpa. That stuff will spead like wildfire.
  13. elvictre

    Sick...just sick!!

    I seem to not like you very much. lol
  14. elvictre


    From what I have seen seahorses are reef safe. The only problem would be flow. Too much flow will not be good for them so I would go with corals that don't require alot of flow. Vic
  15. elvictre

    My Monthly Tank Pic

    Wow, Sea Apple :yes: How is that working out. I keep thinking of getting one but I see that they can be toxic and kill everything. How hard is it too keep it. Vic
  16. elvictre

    You Need To See This

    Wow pretty awesome. I am going with an 800 gallon in the future, but now it seems like mine will be a sump compared to that. Vic
  17. elvictre

    What to do when you can't be there all the time?

    Thanks for the info. Anyone else with more ideas? Vic
  18. elvictre

    You Need To See This

    elvictre@optonline.ent tnx
  19. elvictre

    You Need To See This

    O man, I'm too curious
  20. elvictre

    People who Ordered Live Rock online – Shipping ?

    So all I need is a rubbermaid with some fresh saltwater and a pump? No skimmer needed to cure? I allways have extra saltwater running, so i'll order some ASAP. Vic