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  1. jeo

    pics of you guys! a member of victoria secret yea the angel card....does many wonders Glad to hear, lets see a pic :D
  2. jeo

    fishy pics:)

    I think thats what mine is then, it was sold as a "Unicorn Naso" I know its not the kind with the horn but I thought maybe that was just a common name for it. I have always been a little bit confused on what kind of fish it is to be honest :confused:
  3. jeo

    College People

    It is possible to set up top off systems. I don't know exactly how but if you wanted to I know it could be done. I have seen them mostly uses for nanos, but I'm sure you could use the same idea on a larger scale. I am also going to college this fall and am going to have to leave my tank home...
  4. jeo

    MagDrive 9.5 ??

    I use the pump upright as well and stuck a piece of foam under it to stop the vibration. Its been working for a year.
  5. jeo

    fishy pics:)

    Wow :eek: thats a lot of fish! Sweet picture. I have a unicorn tang too:
  6. jeo

    Look at my poor clown- she has popeye

    good news- the popeye is almost comleatly gone today :)
  7. jeo

    fishy pics:)

    Court Jester Goby
  8. jeo

    FS: 250w Ushio 10k Metal Halide bulb

    what is the address for that website?
  9. jeo


    they are easy to keep? I have always wanted one but assumed they would be difficult. Also how well do you think they would ship?
  10. jeo

    What do you think about this 75gal setup/stocking?

    and one more ;)
  11. jeo

    What do you think about this 75gal setup/stocking?

    Here is a pic of my court jester goby that I took today:
  12. jeo

    Which camera U using??

    and one more :D
  13. jeo

    Which camera U using??

    here are some orange zoos
  14. jeo

    Which camera U using??

    ok I have been practicing and have managed to get some macro shots which is what dzones asked for in the first place...
  15. jeo

    Which camera U using??

    Nikon coolpix 4300 -I think I am getting the hang of it after only a few sessions
  16. jeo

    lights n the back?

    Why do you want to put them in the back?
  17. jeo

    What do you think about this 75gal setup/stocking?

    Well, I'm sure that was an extream case and I didn't see it with my own eyes so who knows how accurate that story actually is... but what kinds of corals do hermits pick at? I have 4 different kinds or hermits in my tank including blue legs and I have never seen them do this.
  18. jeo

    Look at my poor clown- she has popeye

    Still working on the water change Thomas, I usually like to let my water mix for more than one day. The guys at the closest LFS to me don't even follow the instructions to their kit when they test water, so I am going to have to take a little trip this weekend to go somewhere where I can get...
  19. jeo

    pics of you guys!

    oops, I guess I should have read her profile first :D But my point was, she is clearly overreacting
  20. jeo

    pics of you guys!

    someone send IswimNOTchoke a Victoria's Secret cataloge because apparently he has never seen cleavage before