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  1. smoothie

    what will eat majano

    Originally Posted by dockery07 Nothing will eat Majano - you will have to take the rock out and scrub it they are a pain to get out of the tank Bristletail filefish and the raccoon (?)butterfly will. Both are risks in a reef. Just get them before they spread to much with kalk paste, aiptasia x...
  2. smoothie

    blue hippo tang swimming out of water

    How new was the water in it? Is it a constantly running established qt? May just be really stressed. Fish take things different ways. Keep th lights off and see if it mellows him out and calms down his breathing
  3. smoothie

    The Rebuild of my 180 Begins!! And Continues!!

    Nice job on the aquascaping
  4. smoothie

    metal halide question

    Only a crocea or Maxima you could put on the rockwork high in the tank under a light. Best to save and plan on a great 250 setup you will have no worries with.
  5. smoothie

    What to buy for hair algae

    What are you params and what test kit are you using? Maybe get another hobbiest or your lfs to check the water first. How much are you feeding? Try to cut back on that and your photo period as much as you can. Just some steps to help you slow it down. Also frozen or dry foods?
  6. smoothie

    lion scared..ha

    I wouldn't worry about the sting. Just be aware of your fish and where he is. If you budget is low wait. He may eat fish you may want to replace and it will increase your bioload being it's another fish and carnivore. If you do get it invest in some long kabob sticks from wally world to put...
  7. smoothie

    What are My chances with a powder Blue tang?

    Be sure to pick a healthy one at the lfs. Main thing after health and eating is to make sure this is the last tang you want to add. He will not be happy with newcomers
  8. smoothie

    What are My chances with a powder Blue tang?

    Should be fine if added last. QT- Give him someplace to hide and keep the lights off for a couple of days. Put some nori on a clip where his comfort zone is and slowly inch it away until it is on the glass
  9. smoothie


    Trim away so it doesn't die off and polute your tank. check out for a sweet mandarin feeding trick/tool. Also
  10. smoothie

    schooling fish

    Only witnessed fish group and shoal together in an aquarium. Mainly in need of security. Some cardinals seem to get it alot closer than chromis
  11. smoothie

    my 300 gallon mixed reef recreation diary

    My post sounded wrong sorry. Just wanted to know if you had plans for a set up for him in the future and wanted to know what it was. I haven't seen one of these as an adult in a tank and was getting all happy.
  12. smoothie

    my 300 gallon mixed reef recreation diary

    Love that fish. What are you gonna do with him when he grows up? Sorry to pic your brain, but I would love to see one full grown in a fitting system. Even if it is years down the road watching this thread
  13. smoothie

    brittle starfish

    Saw mine first hand. That is why he gets a pellet every night. Great cleaner. Will pretty much catch extra food and poo in mid stream
  14. smoothie

    brittle starfish

    Mine is the green one and at a little over 20in across this ole boy will eat anything of opportunity. Newly molted shrimp, the molt, sick fish etc. I feed mine a carnivore pellet everynight and occasionally a silverside. Will harass fish if it is really hungry so just keep it fed. Then again I...
  15. smoothie

    Help my tank is getting too hot!

    Originally Posted by trinette02 The tank is at 85-90 right now and the lights just came on. I can't find a chiller at any local stores. Could I freeze some water from the tank to chill it down. Live in Texas AC just not kicking enough to cool the house down enough for my tank.... Had this...
  16. smoothie

    Flaming Hornets Zoanthids

    Originally Posted by nissan577 will tomorrow. lights are off now Would love to see some pics. Actually would love even better to have some in my tank
  17. smoothie

    any ga reefers????

    How's everything?
  18. smoothie

    How should I add my Purple Tang-QT to my 220 display with a Yellow Tang in it -?

    More hiding places/territory and adding it with the lights off will help calm things down. Adding rock would work the same as the old method of rearranging things
  19. smoothie

    do powder tangs it lettuce?

    Stick with Nori. Any lettuce will have glucose that will need to be broken down by heat for the tangs and their long digestive track. Also easier to absorb additives such as garlic and selcon to keep fish healthier or help a sick buddy recover