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  1. the egregious

    Post pictures of your eels here

    Originally Posted by Whitey Got any full tank shots, or did your camera just break?
  2. the egregious

    Post pictures of your eels here

    Sharkdiver, I do not think that it was an insult. Even I felt like saying something along those lines. It scares me, and I am sure it scared whitey when we hear that kind of thing. Do you have any pictures of him in a 129?
  3. the egregious

    Live Rock

    LR from has amazing quality and I would recommend it over anywhere else
  4. the egregious

    Severe Thunderstorm Warning

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 I wonder how much trouble I"d get into if I put banned in my personal description...
  5. the egregious

    Post pictures of your eels here

    Originally Posted by sharkdiver This is "Larry", my Undulated Moray. He was about the size of a sharpie marker when I got him about 2 years ago... now he is about 20-inches long! This shot was taken in his "old" 10-gallon tank... he now lives quite comfortably in a 29-gallon reef tank! do...
  6. the egregious

    RO water pH

    I go to walmart and buy water that is purified by "electrolic reverse osmosis" @ 0.72 a gallon. The PH is usally always 7.1-7.3. Are you using the "fill up" station to get your water? if so that might be the cause. Sometimes those fill up stations are worse than tap water haha, depends on where...
  7. the egregious

    Who has a Niger in a Reef?

    getting some good feedback. Anyone else?
  8. the egregious

    Who has a Niger in a Reef?

    how big is the Niger? Does he chew on your corals at all?
  9. the egregious

    Who has a Niger in a Reef?

    I know that they are not "reef safe" but I am curious if by reef safe it is meant that they will eat inverts, or corals? (or possibly both?) I have a 125, and Am thinking about getting a small 2-3 inch Niger. I only have like two crabs and my turbos are like the size of a softball so.. I doubt...
  10. the egregious

    Building extravagent stand.

    I am 6'4" lol
  11. the egregious


    Sorry, I worded that incorrectly, but you guys got the jist. Thank you for the help!
  12. the egregious


    Ok, well now that your here. I am curious if some one can point me in the direction of a sump design that does not require your tank to be drilled?
  13. the egregious

    Building extravagent stand.

    Originally Posted by spanko Wow! Fancy. So the tank will sit into the top in effect covering the bottom of the tank all around so you don't see the tank plastic rim? exactly
  14. the egregious

    Building extravagent stand.

    Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici Dang !That was fast.Will you come finish mine lol. Looks really good,nice job haha, I worked on it from 8 am yesterday morning to 11 somthing at night. and then like 6 hours the day before.
  15. the egregious

    Building extravagent stand.

    ok heres the deal. it's not done 100% but it's damn close all I need to do is add wood puddy and clear stain. please tell me what you think.
  16. the egregious

    Building extravagent stand.

    THANK GOD I'm finally done. 19 hours of work, pictures in 5.
  17. the egregious

    No more GIFs?

    no one?
  18. the egregious

    No more GIFs?

    I thought for sure I seen useres with GIFs' as avatars, but then when I go to upload one it says no animated images allowed? what gives?
  19. the egregious

    My 210 Reef

    is it just me or is your toadstool the size of the Nagasaki warhead?
  20. the egregious

    We are up poo creek without a paddle with these 3 stooges

    Acording to Glenn, "Bob Barr,....THE NEW VOTE FOR REPUBLICANS" lololol.