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  1. the egregious

    125 Reef Tank Build

    Wow.... ...... Well I'm going to go make some coffee
  2. the egregious

    Building extravagent stand.

    Now that my shift is over, I can start to build the stand-stand if you know what I mean. I will post pics tonight of the updates.
  3. the egregious

    Building extravagent stand.

    Originally Posted by corallover23 are you buiding the same stand as Veni Vidi Vici ? if so you make me > lol i want one and im not a builder kind of person! lol No I'm not quite building the same thing he is. As far as the framing goes I think ours are quite a bit different on how the tank...
  4. the egregious

    Building extravagent stand.

    Originally Posted by newtoit this is my stand and tak if you need better stand pics pm me and I will see what I can do I just see pics of corals
  5. the egregious

    Building extravagent stand.

    FRONT FRONT WITH TOP SIDE WITH TOP FRONT BOTTOM SIDE Showing some height. The dolly is a little over 5 feet. LOLOLOL Delta black.
  6. the egregious

    Building extravagent stand.

    Alrighty folks. It took 5 and a half hours but 100% of the framing is done. 5 feet tall without the tank. Pictures in a couple minutes, tell me what you guys think. Thanks for the link veni.
  7. the egregious

    Building extravagent stand.

    Today I have bought a lot of materials to start a new stand for a 75. I was curious if anyone coudl point me in the direction of some very extravagent stands that I might get some ideas from? It would be extremely helpful. I have never built one before but I am pretty handy with wood...
  8. the egregious

    125 Reef Tank Build

    ohhh, duhhh. Sorry I didn't even read the caption to the uploaded picture. Say, what is -- anyways?
  9. the egregious

    125 Reef Tank Build

    Can I ask what kind of wood you built your stand out of? It appears to be poplar but I'm not sure. And how long it took you to build it? can you take a picture from the top view I love the design its gorgeous,what site did you get the idea from?
  10. the egregious

    Finally rolled snake-eyes

    Too much copper can most certainly kill any fish. I would 100% recommend a good test kit for the copper if you use that method of treatment again. About question number 4, I might be mistaken but I am pretty sure that hypo salinity needs to be precisely 1.009 to be affective, and I would choose...
  11. the egregious

    Who has a Anemone in Reef tank?

    I should post a picture of it and see what you guys think.
  12. the egregious

    Want a CRAZY idea.

    Originally Posted by MaTT B I dont want to die. I thought they needed a big tank Most species dont need a large tank.
  13. the egregious

    this or that

    steak carpet or hardwood.
  14. the egregious

    is it a bad sign if a clown triggers belly was fat and now its skinny ?

    Originally Posted by triggerfre If you give up.Then you should not be in this hobby.just letting your fish die because you are to lazy or tired to treat them is cruel and unjust.People like you ruin this hobby for everyone.Please give your fish to some one that can take care of them properly.I...
  15. the egregious

    Who has a Anemone in Reef tank?

    Ive had one for a while now that was sold to me as a hatian bubbletipped anemone, I'm convinced otherwise that it is not in the BTA family.
  16. the egregious

    help with rebel camera- taking FTS

    Originally Posted by natclanwy I have thought about taking some HDR shots of my tank but I am waiting for a new lens for my camera so I can take some decent FTS, my living room isn't big enough to take a FTS with my 70-200mm 2.8 Using RAW will not be nearly as effective as changing the exposure...
  17. the egregious

    help with rebel camera- taking FTS

    Something That I think helps a lot is doing a high dynamic range with the FTS, this, in turn will give you a HDR for both under and over exposed portions. Basically combing 3 or more bracketed images and lacing them together into one. The more levels of exposure you have, the more detail can be...
  18. the egregious

    help with rebel camera- taking FTS

    Have you tried using aperture priority with no flash? Of course if you do you have to compensate for the lack of flash with a longer exposure, but not too long.
  19. the egregious

    Who has a Anemone in Reef tank?

    Originally Posted by Tizzo My old tank... my God.... Is that a LTA?
  20. the egregious

    starting up a 300g tank info on sand

    as far as the sand from home depot, I've heard not to use it because you never know what the sand contains, it is "play safe" but not "tank safe" lol.