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  1. lnarobbins

    Sell me on DSB, I don't get it

    imo the dsb is cleanner looking and keeps your nitrates down. from what I understand you need at least 3-4" base for it to work when I get mine going ill post my results Alan
  2. lnarobbins

    Mandarin Goby

    i've had my mandarin for over a year now. I started out with only 25lbs of lr in my 90g tank now I have about 70lbs or so. I'm going to add another 50lbs or so and add a female mandarin for him and see what happens good luck they are a great fish Alan
  3. lnarobbins

    Juvenile Clown Trigger

    well I don't know much about clown triggers but I do know something about fish. I would like to ask you about your tank: how big is it ? I just learned that a clown trigger needs at least a 125-150g tank How long has your tank been running? I would think that you need a well established tank...
  4. lnarobbins

    Good Lighting for reef

    with the lights you have, your looking at about 2 watts per gallon you jneed at least 5 watts or more per gallon, from what I understand, on my 90g tank I have 300watts, and I am planning to put more on when I get the extra $$$ what you have is a good start imo, throw the live rock in, and...
  5. lnarobbins

    clown trigger vs. snowflake eel

    Hospital tank it is, I really want to get a clown trigger, maybe the next tank. thanx alan
  6. lnarobbins

    O.T..Do you believe?

    from what I understand the loch has not been their long enough for the monster to have moved in their. also their are not enouth things in the loch for a population of the monsters to live on. on the other hand I think their could be some big undiscovered things in the ocean time will tell (I...
  7. lnarobbins

    clown trigger vs. snowflake eel

    My wife got me a 30g tank at a garage sale. at first I was going to make it my hospital tank for my 90g reef but I thought why not put a clown trigger or eel in it my question is: is 30g big enough for the fish I want to put in or should I stick with the original plan and make it a hospital...
  8. lnarobbins

    how to dose kalkewasser?

    im going to start adding kallewasser also so thanks you guys for the info alan
  9. lnarobbins


    hard telling with out some more info on what you have in your tank, maybe you have gotten some new fish or invert that eats up the algae I dont know have your tank parameters changed hae you changed anything latley more informantion please alan
  10. lnarobbins

    stressed cucumbers

    thanks steamboat, I just needed some opinion on the subject. I want to get a cucumber w/o killing off my tank. thank you again Alan
  11. lnarobbins

    stressed cucumbers

    I got a question, a stressed cucumber may kill your tank so how do you buy one online without killing my tank
  12. lnarobbins

    red hair algae

    I would also try to limit your lighting for a few days and see if that helps you out alan
  13. lnarobbins

    What was your very first S/W Fish?

    mine was a black molly she lived for two years then went to the great happy ocean in the sky alan
  14. lnarobbins

    Green Hair Algae

    I agree with Dem. keep building your clean-up crew and maybe cut down on your light to maybe 3-4hrs a day for about a week or so and see if that makes a change also hope this helps Alan
  15. lnarobbins


    if you get any two juvenile clowns you are almost guarenteed a mated pair. the juvenile fish are all male the bigger of the two will "change" into a female if that female dies and you get another clown the larger of those two will become a female the process will not reverse its self and I dont...
  16. lnarobbins

    feeding my red hermit crab

    its probably ok to give your crab a treat just make sure not to over feed and the other fish in the tank will probably also eat the schrimp on the way down jmo Alan
  17. lnarobbins

    Blue legs

    imo your polips might have been dead. blue legged hermits are great scavengers and eat the heck out of algea imo keep them maybe add some more alan
  18. lnarobbins

    red algae solution?

    you might also try to suck the slime out of the tank when you do your water change alan
  19. lnarobbins

    mandarin goby (wrassecal)

    cool pics Karla I always thought that pods were microscopic and you couldnt see them alan
  20. lnarobbins

    water change?

    imo you cant go wrong w water changes it adds fresh water and recharges trace elements in your tank alan