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  1. lnarobbins

    What about the dead?

    remove the dead, like stated earler is your tank new? if so you might want to return your anenomies, they need almost perfect water and intence lighting jmo alan
  2. lnarobbins

    Goby help????

    my question to you, is your tank covered? if your tank is well established and you have 50-70lbs of live rock I will suggest to you to maybe look into a mandarin gobie. I think they are great Alan
  3. lnarobbins

    damsels and 30 gallon tank

    imo the damsals will be fine what bigger fish are you going to get? alan
  4. lnarobbins

    When is a protien skimmer appropriate?

    imo you should get a protien skimmer when your tank is cycled. alan
  5. lnarobbins


    the fresh water and saltwater algea are at least very close cousins probably almost the same jmo alan
  6. lnarobbins

    VHO or Power Compacts??

    IMO if you have a big tank VHO is the way to go if space concerns you then PC jmo Alan
  7. lnarobbins

    mandarin goby (wrassecal)

    I love my mandarin. make sure you have plenty of live rock at least 50lbs and your tank is well established. mandarins eat pods that come from the rock and will starve with out them you might get lucky and get one that eats other stuff but dont count on it. hope this helps alan
  8. lnarobbins


    soak your frozen food in some then drain of the garlic juice and then feed the food Alan
  9. lnarobbins

    Why is my water cloudy?

    if all of your water paramiters are in the green then in my opinion your water should clear up, if after a couple of days it dosent then you might try a more agresive water change like 25-30% and see what that does hope this helps Alan also welcome to the board
  10. lnarobbins

    dead anenome removal

    it was a new anenome from the lfs. I had him for 3 days. I always use a syphon hose to remove the anenomes, I just didnt this time. my bad. it happened about 2 hrs ago now, I think the filters got the rest of the body removed from the tank. ill check again in the am thanx Alan
  11. lnarobbins

    dead anenome removal

    I had a anenome die on me today. when I went to get the thing out it exploded in my hands and gushed guts out all over my tank :mad: I got most of it out with my fishnet. will the un-removed cardcas hurt the other fish and stuff in the tank (I saw my yellow tailed damsel with a pice of it...
  12. lnarobbins

    crushed coral

    yeah you can use cc. the only reason I am going to switch to a dsb is because I think it looks cool and will reduce my nitrates. cc will be fine just vacume it regularly to keep it clean. JMO Alan
  13. lnarobbins

    yellow clown gobie not eating

    dont worry, try other food as well maybe even dry flake or some shrimp from the store give them some time to settle down in your tank jmo Alan
  14. lnarobbins

    Damsel in anemone

    I had a domino that chased out my mandarin the domeino got removed when he attacked all the other fish as well. juvinile dominos will bond w/ anenomes and they are part of the same family as clown fish. Alan
  15. lnarobbins

    help, anenome

    check your nitrates, you need strong light and good water flow to wash out the wast of the anenome if it smells bad, then it is dead. and you need to remove it. JMO Alan
  16. lnarobbins

    Mandarin Goby

    IMO they will get along with your scooter. you just have to have a established tank with plenty of lr. if you are worried about your pod population then the mandarin might eat baby krill jmo alan
  17. lnarobbins

    Help my colt coral is DYING...!!!

    how much light do you have? and is your tank established? how are your tank levels? Alan
  18. lnarobbins

    Pod friendly fish?

    irishstout, I think that any fish out their will eat pods. JMO Alan
  19. lnarobbins

    Recent reef pics

    mine will look that good with every-ones help your tank is something to try for this is not an opinion, this is fact Alan
  20. lnarobbins

    need help with setting up first saltwater aquarium

    I agree stay away from the anenome until you get more light. the anenome might live but it will not be healthy. JMO alan