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  1. xcali1985

    225 or BUST........

    The new AI Vega are amazing! Don't think any fixture out right now is in that ball park. The AI Sols are probably one of the best built units available
  2. xcali1985

    75 gallon stocking ideas and advice

    Quote: Originally Posted by LITTLEDYNAM1TE Would it be a good idea to set up a 10g tank first? Bigger tanks are easier to manage as they have more water volume, therefor more stable parameters. Usually the cost to set up a tank jumps within ranges. A 10g should cost just about as much to set up...
  3. xcali1985

    quarantine tank

    Just because you added material from your DT into your QT doesn't mean its a instant go. It depends on the amount of bacteria on the material, along with the decay that can also be in the filter floss, such as food particles and such. That's why when I do not have a fish in my QT i keep a cheap...
  4. xcali1985

    225 or BUST........

    Agreed MP40s are awesome, if your going to use them get the Wireless Drivers and you can sync them up to run opposite each other, or create waves, random patterns, etc. Excellent choice and I will be upgrading to them soon myself. Also the battery backup is an awesome choice if you can afford it.
  5. xcali1985

    new at this

    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower You didn't give any bad advice, and you answered the questions just fine. I didn't mean to insult you, and I am so sorry if I did....your answers were right on target. It's very true that commercial RO centers (grocery stores) do not worry about TDS until is...
  6. xcali1985

    new at this

    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower Hi, Welcome to the site! First purchase is a good beginner book. I went with "Saltwater aquariums for dummies" and Robert Ferners " The conscientious Aquarist" At the top of New Hobbist section is 101 tips for starting a SW tank. Once you have the basics it...
  7. xcali1985

    new at this

    Quote: Originally Posted by cody2993 so i would like to start my first saltwater tank. this is all new to me. what would be the best deal when getting saltwater to fill the tank? could i use tap and add the salt and wait? or would it be better to buy RO water from the store and ass the salt? -...
  8. xcali1985

    240 Gallon "Rectangle of Life" Tank Diary

    Added: Copperband Butterfly purchased this fish as a frag swap. He is small 3-4" but he joins the others in QT, did a long 6 hour acclimation since the tank is down to 1.009. No signs of ICH on the fish in QT, but I will be restarting my QT time. So looks like another 2 months until they are...
  9. xcali1985

    240 Gallon "Rectangle of Life" Tank Diary

    And some of the livestock."> laceholder" data-id="364517" data-type="61" src="
  10. xcali1985

    240 Gallon "Rectangle of Life" Tank Diary

    Here is some more pictures of my QT along with some display pictures.
  11. xcali1985

    Saltwater Newbie

    Quote: Originally Posted by Good Sir Well hello, I'm new to the forums and I'm thinking of setting up a saltwater tank. So far I have a 20 gallon freshwater tank that is well kept and no fish have died due to me not maintaining the tank (except ghost shrimp, snails, and a Silver Lyretail...
  12. xcali1985

    What are good brand skimmers?

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 I really like Reef Octopus as well. I don't think I would switch at this point. SWC also makes some pretty good skimmers... And if I were to switch - it would be for a Bubble King, ... but those are clearly out of my price range for a skimmer. Agree on...
  13. xcali1985

    What are good brand skimmers?

    I'm a big fan of Super Reef Octopus plus they have the automatic neck cleaners which lowers the daily maintenance requirements.
  14. xcali1985

    help with moving a tank

    I moved a 55 and a 80. I removed all the rock and bagged all the fish, then did a gravel vac while removing about 50% of the water. I never run DSBs. I then siphoned the other 50% out a left just enough water to keep the sandbed wet. I then moved the tank. Issue you will run into with any sand...
  15. xcali1985

    Bubble Tip Anemone

    It will move when it needs the light, just leave it alone. It shouldn't sit in there and die. It's probably more irritated right now then anything.
  16. xcali1985

    Liverock bleaching?

    Alk is within range 8-12dKH, but I would personally try to get it closer to the 12. Your pH is probably dropping below 8.0 at night during the day you should try to get it up to 8.2-4 range. Adding Alk will help stabilize your pH also.
  17. xcali1985

    240 Gallon "Rectangle of Life" Tank Diary

    Update: So I have been lowering the salinity it is now 1.009 I took a cup of water out every couple hours and added a cup of RO water back until it got down. I have also been dosing metronidazole. There are only 3-4 tiny spots left on him and the pop eye is gone now and his eye looks healthy. He...
  18. xcali1985

    240 Gallon "Rectangle of Life" Tank Diary

    Looks like QT was a good idea. The Hippo Tang I purchased a few days ago has a few spots on him and one on his eye that has resulted in bubble eye. :(
  19. xcali1985

    HELP clownfish laid eggs.. now what??

    Typically you can count it as free fish food. If you are going to try to raise them, you need to look into hatching brine shrimp and cultivating rotifers. It's usually more of a headache then it's worth for the casual user.
  20. xcali1985

    How to keep a QT tank up and running?

    I simply keep a damsel fish in my QT, when I purchase new fish he goes into my sump. Once the other fish come out of QT I then re insert him into the QT. Cheap easy and you know for sure that it's cycled.