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  1. steeliathunder

    leafy seadragon

    that would be awesome!!! they are my favorite creature ever. Good luck in your research!
  2. steeliathunder

    10 gal stock list?

    thats what i thought too. i think these guys just want my $. last time i went in there, i paid cash and still had $20 left, he actually said "well we almost got all of your money." how about: neon goby neon dottyback royal gramma fire shrimp ??
  3. steeliathunder

    leafy seadragon

    a have a tattoo of one on my arm! i dont think they can be kept in home aquaria. they have a great permanent exhibit of them at the chattanooga aquarium though.
  4. steeliathunder

    10 gal stock list?

  5. steeliathunder

    chaeto $15 shipped

    thanks again for shipping it out. we'll try again in 08. happy holidays!
  6. steeliathunder

    Coral Keepers 10 gallon dart frog diary.

    cool project coralkeeper! cant wait to see the frogs in there!
  7. steeliathunder

    chaeto $15 shipped

    you have pm :)
  8. steeliathunder

    10 gal stock list?

    Im ready to add fish to my 10. the 2 yellowtails are coming out and going into the 42. i want to put in the 10: sixline wrasse neon dottyback royal gramma fire shrimp emerald crab my lfs said that would work in a 10 what do you think? can i add them all at once or no? bio-spike? not sure about...
  9. steeliathunder

    So, New tank......

    are those "party hangovers" on the left in the last pic? looking good!
  10. steeliathunder

    did you use a QT tank?

    Originally Posted by Dlauber pls post your results if you didnt use a QT Cirolanid Isopod! possibly a gorilla crab... havent caught him yet.
  11. steeliathunder

    DeMartini's 18 Gallon ADA

    that is a very sleek aquarium. im gonna have to look into the ADAs. Cant wait to see it stocked. it would look cool with pendant lights!
  12. steeliathunder

    Wet/Dry w/bio-balls to Live-rock or Refugium?

    Originally Posted by scrapman Thanks for the link.... very interesting, but don't understand why he/she is putting an egg crate in the filter cavity.... Re the flow.... understand that you can adjust.... understand that chaeto require a flow.... the difficult fine tuning is to grow copepods and...
  13. steeliathunder

    Toeknee's 58g Diary

    Originally Posted by Toeknee Also have a question just picked up the new Metal stand, all 4 corners touch the tank in the middle there is a gap. fish store says they come bowed and once water goes into the tank it corrects itself. Any feedback on this before I trust this bowed stand? how much...
  14. steeliathunder

    Zoas and Palys...

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark The difference between the Zoa's and Palythoa is that Zoa's, although colonial, do not share a common mat. They grow as individuals where the Sea Mats have a fibrous encrusting mat. The Palythoa species can not be separated without cutting through this fibrous...
  15. steeliathunder

    Toeknee's 58g Diary

    should saltwater be that close to computer equipment? isnt it corrosive? not sure... cool tank though!
  16. steeliathunder

    Sweet palys that i just got!!!

    um..... nice. my bad.
  17. steeliathunder

    Wet/Dry w/bio-balls to Live-rock or Refugium?

    Originally Posted by scrapman I plan to do the exact same thing to breed copepods for a future green mandarin.... this tanks is a 20 gal long LS/LR... only crabs now.... it has ample filtration.... Do you think this filter/fuge idea is OK for breeding copepods? I think they will regularly pushed...
  18. steeliathunder

    Sweet palys that i just got!!!

    what are those? i want those for $5
  19. steeliathunder

    well this is fun read the last one

    i want a platypus tank!