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  1. luvmybizz

    one out of three new fish die?

    I don't really believe this at all, it all depends, but normally if you acclimate correctly and the fish doesn't have ich than it should live...
  2. luvmybizz

    How many tangs in a 90 gallon?

    Ok so if I was to get one tang out of these 4 wat would it be??? FISH: Naso tang, blue hippo, powder brown or powder blue?
  3. luvmybizz

    How many tangs in a 90 gallon?

    Originally Posted by markeo99 they will also fight if they are 2 close I am cycling a 125 and am planning getting a kole and a Tomini Tang but I am in research mode will they outgrow bang? sorry to hijack No problem
  4. luvmybizz

    How many tangs in a 90 gallon?

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy Only 1 small Tang in a 125, sorry. You can do what you want with your tank but if you want long term success you won't try to keep more than one Tang in there. Many people will tell you that it's OK to have multiple Tangs, especially fish stores. These are going...
  5. luvmybizz

    How many tangs in a 90 gallon?

    How soon would they outgrow a 125?! Say I only put 2-3 in there?
  6. luvmybizz

    90 gal pic /coral plate

    Good lookin tank!
  7. luvmybizz

    How many tangs in a 90 gallon?

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy A 90 gallon tank will comfortably house 1 Tang. Not all Tangs will be OK in a 90 though, Kole, Yellow, and Purple will do OK but it's at the small side of what they need. Only one though and I'd recommend the Kole as having the best chance to thrive in a 90...
  8. luvmybizz

    How many tangs in a 90 gallon?

    Originally Posted by WangoTango I don't mean to flame you but IMO that's a bit much. Just about everyone of those fish has the potential to grow to a foot long. There is no way that there would be enough algae for all of those tangs (as adults) to feed on, let alone swimming space. Back to the...
  9. luvmybizz

    How many tangs in a 90 gallon?

    Yea I just want like 5-6 tangs but didn't know if they would get crowded in there(I would be putting to false percs in there as well)...
  10. luvmybizz

    How many tangs in a 90 gallon?

    I was wondering if I bought a 90 how many tangs I would be able to put in there with them still being comfortable? I plan on getting a powder blue, powder brown, naso, yellow and pacific blue??? Please can anyone answer this question?
  11. luvmybizz

    my 75

    Start making some money to get this thing cookin! Go out and pick up pop cans or something for money! lol
  12. luvmybizz

    Newpics what fish is this?

    Did it just comes in your live rock or something?
  13. luvmybizz

    my 90

    Wat kinda of skimmer are you running?
  14. luvmybizz

    125 Diary

    I cannot wait to see this thing up and running!
  15. luvmybizz

    My Ricordea Tank....

    Great colors!
  16. luvmybizz

    My125 REEF

    I hope my tank will look like this someday!!!
  17. luvmybizz

    Buying a Home

    Look at the important where you are going to put your next big tank build and how it will look...make sure that where you will be putting your tank there will be nothing else to disturb it...and also make sure that the house you want won't make u down size in your tank
  18. luvmybizz

    Skimmer for 125?

    I am wondering what kinda of skimmer I should get for a my new 125 tank? I have been looking at some octopus skimmers? Any ideas or feed back would be great!
  19. luvmybizz

    What are my zoas doing? :(

    How would I get rid of this if this is the problem? I seem to have more and more of it growing on rocks now
  20. luvmybizz

    What are my zoas doing? :(

    It seems to me like in the last week my zoas have been getting these brown"super zoas" in with them! They are ugly as sin and was wondering if this was normal of if I should take care of it somehow?