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  1. yukon

    Yukon's 55 Gal - Let me know what ya think

    Update: Foxface was taken out of QT and is in DT. He's looking good and doing a great job finishing off the left over hair algea. I've gotten a little algae bloom from the new MH's but not to bad. I'm still increasing the lighting time of the Halides. I'm trying to work slowly up to 12 hrs of...
  2. yukon

    Yukon's 55 Gal - Let me know what ya think

    Thanks I loved that sun coral too. I lost it when my tank overheated last summer, along with other corals and multiple fish . That pic was a couple yrs old. I still haven't found another sun coral like it. All the ones I see anymore are looking rough. I think these LFS's don't know they need to...
  3. yukon

    Salinity and SG question

    I have a ATC Refractometer and I'm not sure what number scale to go by and I'm getting confused. I usually mix my salt to a SG of 1.025 and the salinity scale usually shows 35. When I test my tank water it shows 1.025 and 33 ppt. Why the difference and which one should I go by. I think I'm...
  4. yukon

    Yukon's 55 Gal - Let me know what ya think

    Thanks mie, I actually have a canopy for it that I built. It just doesn't fit anymore with the new light. I'll probably build a new one at some point.
  5. yukon

    Yukon's 55 Gal - Let me know what ya think

    Heres the new suspension system for the light. Looks much better than the 2x4's holding it up
  6. yukon

    Yukon's 55 Gal - Let me know what ya think

    Thanks scopus its been a long road and still have more to go to get it to where I want it. Got home lastnight to find my Lawnmower blenny dead. I've only had him in the DT for about 2 weeks. He was in QT for a month and wasn't eating much. He ate for the first week or so and mostly ate the...
  7. yukon


    Originally Posted by macs2015 i'd like to ask about how to feed ricordias. i thought there was no need to feed corals. (except provide light and flow) i just purchased 3 tiny rics yesterday, so can anyone tell me more about it? how can i prepare the food. how do i feed it? how do i know if its...
  8. yukon

    RO/DI Unit - Water Temperature

    I really think keeping it in the house is your best bet. I personally wouldn't put mine in the shed. Not 100% sure if I'm right on this but I think the hot water will pass through the membraine easier and possibly let some impurities pass into your filtered water. I know that my filter puts out...
  9. yukon

    general consensus?

    I run it in my tank for about 3 days a month. I will also run it for a couple days after I add a new soft coral. I've heard about doing this somewhere on this site. I quess it helps to absorb some of the toxins that soft corals release when moved or when they shed like toadstools do.
  10. yukon

    pics i took this morning

    Very Nice!! I like the toadstool how big is that freakin thing. From the pictures it looks like at least 12in across Keep up the good work
  11. yukon

    Yukon's 55 Gal - Let me know what ya think

    Heres another picture from the past
  12. yukon

    Yukon's 55 Gal - Let me know what ya think

    Originally Posted by grubsnaek a over haul like this, re-ignites the passion for this hobby i think great turn around!!! Thanks grubs, yeah I think this website had something to do with it. Lots of info on here
  13. yukon

    Yukon's 55 Gal - Let me know what ya think

    Originally Posted by forcrz6 What is ChemClean? Is this for the Rocks or the Glass? It's a product that removes the cyano bacteria(Red algae looking stuff). All my Cyano was gone in 2 days. The full name for it is Boyd Enterprises Inc. Chemiclean red slime remover
  14. yukon

    Yukon's 55 Gal - Let me know what ya think

    What no Comments
  15. yukon

    Yukon's 55 Gal - Let me know what ya think

    Oh I forgot to mention the algea still on the one rock. I left some on there because I didn't want to scrub every rock and risk starving Algea blenny since he doesn't like the dried up stuff. Plus it gives my Foxface something to munch on too
  16. yukon

    Yukon's 55 Gal - Let me know what ya think

    So what ya think? It's been alot of Money and work so far, I'm slowly adding fish back into the tank. I currently have a Sixline Wrass and Lawnmower Blenny in the tank. My Foxface is almost ready to go in he's in the QT for now but is doing great. I really liked my old one and can't wait to get...
  17. yukon

    Yukon's 55 Gal - Let me know what ya think

    OK here we are as of a 5/22/08. I had My new MH fixture temped up on 2x4's till I got Suspension kit. It's finally Starting to look good again
  18. yukon

    Yukon's 55 Gal - Let me know what ya think

    Here are some moonlight pictures under the New Coralife Aqualight Pro
  19. yukon

    Yukon's 55 Gal - Let me know what ya think

    New Green Hairy Mushrooms, Xenia, andFrogspawn Frag
  20. yukon

    Yukon's 55 Gal - Let me know what ya think

    New Aquascape after treating with Chem Clean, Multiple water changes, new light bulbs, cleaning rock w/ toothbrush and sucking out algea with a airline