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  1. yukon

    Questions about dipping corals

    OK I've been searching this board for a some info on dipping corals and I can't seem to find much info on how to do this or what products work for what corals. Also what will the dipping rid the corals of? I know there are some nasty little bugs and what not but what about ich? Will dipping kill...
  2. yukon

    I got feakin' ich whats the best to do?

    AL thanks for responding I was starting to wonder if this thread was invisible. Since I didn't here anything b4 now I went ahead and moved everything (2 clowns I put in last night, HOB filter, dirt magnet sponge filter, heater, pvc pipes, fake plants and some LS) from the 10 gal QT/HT into the...
  3. yukon

    I got feakin' ich whats the best to do?

    I picked up a 20gal long today and I also grabed some seachem garlic guard to help buy some time. I'll feed frozen tonight after a soak in the garlic and I'll be transfering all them water, filters, decor and a small pile of LS from the 10 gal to the new 20 gal tonight including the 2 clowns...
  4. yukon

    I got feakin' ich whats the best to do?

    Would moving my HOB filter w/biowheel , sponge filter, power head, and misc decor that are currently in my 10 gal qt into a new 20 gal long QT carry over enough biological filtration to get the tank instantly cycled? I could sacrifice some LR from my fuge if necessary knowing I'll kill most of...
  5. yukon

    I got feakin' ich whats the best to do?

    I just got lucky and caught both clowns at once should I go ahead and move them to the HT regardless?
  6. yukon

    I got feakin' ich whats the best to do?

    I just noticed multiple spots of ich on my sixline wrasse which I have had for 2 yrs+ I also see one spot on one of my clowns(which were in QT 4 weeks and added 7-3-08) and I think I see one or two spots on my flame angel(added the soonest on 7-5-08) and no spots on my foxface( added 6-7-08)...
  7. yukon

    hanging light fixture ??

    +2 on getting the hanging kit, I hung my fixture from the ceiling for the same reasons. Just make sure you cover the tank while your working above it putting holes in the ceiling. Don't want any drywall dust falling in. Good Luck
  8. yukon

    Sump tank without an overflow? (IMAGE)

    Heres a thread on how to build a DIY PVC overflow. This could be a option for you.
  9. yukon

    Greatest invention ever ?

    Coffee and Cigerettes have my vote I couldn't get through this midnight without um
  10. yukon

    trying a 75 AGAIN

    I just got done reading through this entire thread and I must say great job man!!! Your tank looks awsome. You've really put alot of time and care into it. Keep up the good work!! Not sure if I missed it but why did you go BB? Whats the pros and cons of doing it?
  11. yukon


    I found this worm tonight. What is this thing? and as the title says is it good or bad?
  12. yukon

    Yukon's 55 Gal - Let me know what ya think

    New cleaner Shrimp stealing food off my ric
  13. yukon

    Yukon's 55 Gal - Let me know what ya think

    New monti cap
  14. yukon

    Yukon's 55 Gal - Let me know what ya think

    New Clowns in QT Not the greatest pic but this is the best I could do.
  15. yukon

    Yukon's 55 Gal - Let me know what ya think

    Couple pictures of my new Foxface now in DT . He's starting to come out more and isn't ducking behind rocks when I come up to the tank. He's made friends with the wrass and follows him around the tank now
  16. yukon

    algea outbreaks after water changes....why?

    If you have a TDS(total disolved solids) meter check the RO water it should be 0. Do you have your own RO unit or are you buying the water from a LFS or walmart/grocery store? How old are the filters on the Ro unit? They might need to be changed Also test your new saltwater for nitrates and...
  17. yukon

    Will Cleaner get eaten by coral banded shrimp?

    IMO I say stay away from the CBS. Once fully mature these guys get very aggressive. I had one go completely postal in my tank. Over a 2 month period it killed the cleaner Shrimp, 2 peppermint shrimp, and believe it or not 2 small Percula clowns. It would attack the fish when they were...
  18. yukon

    Yukon's 55 Gal - Let me know what ya think

    Originally Posted by ci11337 i think 10 hrs of light is a bit much. How long do you run yours? I don't think 10 hrs of MH's is to long for the daylight. I wouldn't however go any longer than this IMO. I'm just trying to replicate as close as I can a natural light pattern. I know theres others...
  19. yukon

    Heart & Sole First Saltwater Tank 55g Diary

    LOOKIN' GOOD I like the new Lights!! Looks like you have a very close stock list to mine. I love foxfaces as you can tell by my avitar. They eat everything and have a great personality. Keep up the good work I can't wait to see more!!