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  1. cajonez

    some type of caulerpa?

    Originally Posted by spanko Cajonez, closer pictures are always more helpful in getting the best possible ID on stuff. Thanx for getting the closeup. Now send some to our friend Renee (Cranberry)! I could absolutely send a piece to cranberry, if she would like some. I'm not sure how to...
  2. cajonez

    some type of caulerpa?

    Here's a better pic. I think Caulerpa nummularia is the winner. Somehow this just popped up in my DT.
  3. cajonez

    some type of caulerpa?

    At the moment I am going with Caulerpa nummularia. I will see if I can get a better pic in the morning when the lights come back on.
  4. cajonez

    Do I need powerheads?

    I like to think of my powerheads as treadmills for my fish.
  5. cajonez

    some type of caulerpa?

    Also, second question... Is this going to take over my tank if I don't start yanking it out now?
  6. cajonez

    some type of caulerpa?

    Originally Posted by Cranberry That's mermaid's cup (Acetabularia acetabulum) I looked up some pictures of the mermaids cup and the leaves/cups look similar, but the mermaid cup looks to me like a colony of individual stalks. What I have is multiple leaves coming off of a single vine. Are...
  7. cajonez

    some type of caulerpa?

    the closer I get the more blurry it becomes. it is can see the vine a little bit going out of the upper part. when i get home from work i can try to get a closer picture. my first thought was grape caulerpa, but it doesn't have any "grapes", just little round leaves.
  8. cajonez

    some type of caulerpa?

    anyone got an ID on this?
  9. cajonez

    whats wrong with her eye

    Towards the bottom of this thread are pictures of "pop-eye". Does it look like that?
  10. cajonez

    skunk replacement opinions

    100% positive its not hiding
  11. cajonez

    Is there good success when shipping in winter?

    I got a shipment of a GTBA, brain coral and lettuce nudibranch a few weeks ago and had no problems. Shipment came with a little warmer pack in it, as opposed to the cooler pack in the summer. The box was checked into the FedEx facility about 8am and not delivered until 2pm. Not sure if it was in...
  12. cajonez

    skunk replacement opinions

    So I woke up yesterday and had a fresh molt from one of my 2 skunk cleaners sitting front and center on the bottom of the tank. Looked around for about 10 minutes and did not find my other cleaner. It appears someone poached him just after he molted and my assumption is that it was my pistol...
  13. cajonez

    New GBTA?

    It took my clowns almost 2 weeks to host my GBTA. Some people never have success doing so, its a bit of a crap shoot. I have read in a couple threads that people suggest taping a picture of a clown hosting to the side of your tank. Whether this works is questionable, but might be worth a try if...
  14. cajonez

    Enough Light for BTA?

    I guess it would help if i read the post more closely. :)
  15. cajonez

    Enough Light for BTA?

    Should be good for the BTA, not sure about the SPS. Is your 55g not the standard 48" size? If it is, why are you planning to only get a 36" light?
  16. cajonez

    New Lights. You like?

    I picked up this same light for my 55g a few months ago. I really like it. I went from 130w PC to this and thought I put a suntanning bed in my office for the first couple weeks.
  17. cajonez

    Should I get a Cleaner Shrimp?

    i feed each of my skunks a pellet of food before I spot feed. That keeps them busy while the coral eat.
  18. cajonez

    Question about my NEW Lettuce Nudi

    Originally Posted by meowzer They are very very slow...LOL....Sometimes they will stay in the same spot for a day or two....sometimes they will slowly move to another spot Mine is like a race car. He is constantly moving around my tank.
  19. cajonez

    Anemone Help

    My clowns took about 1 1/2 weeks to start hosting my green bubble tip. Some clowns never do host. Make sure the nem you get is big enough.
  20. cajonez

    Super gluing down mushrooms??

    I agree with the cup idea. I used a small tupperware container with a peice on LR rubble in it. It took a while, but to this day, the mushroom is still attached to the same rock.