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  1. sov82

    WTB: Coral Frags in CT, Lower MA

    Email me - or post here if you have any Frags for sale in CT or Lower, MA
  2. sov82

    white pom pom xenia in Mass

    have any other frags for sale...would be about an hours drive for me...would be worth it if u had a few things I was interested in. LMK
  3. sov82

    Good Saturday night...

    Sorry to hear that. Take care of yourself and your family.
  4. sov82

    Emerald Crab - Releasing Eggs??

    The other day I saw one of my Emerald Crabs standing erect on its hind legs. It looked like he had opened up his belly a little and it was emitting "little bubbles" into my tank. He did this for about 5 minutes then ran off and started to eat. I'm just curious...was this the emerald crab...
  5. sov82

    white pom pom xenia in Mass

    where in Mass...I'm in upstate CT and interested in 2 frags.
  6. sov82

    Free Blue Devil Damsel in CT/Lower MA Area

    It would be about $25.
  7. sov82

    Free Blue Devil Damsel in CT/Lower MA Area

    Anyone looking for a 3+ year old perfectly healthy 4" Blue Devil Damsel. He's a very pretty Damsel and absolutely in perfect health. He will only work in a FO or Aggressive Tank. He is nipping at my corals and thats why he needs to go. If you are interested, please post here. The fish is...
  8. sov82

    new project...

    $10...thats very cheap.
  9. sov82

    10 Gallon Nano

    Where in CT do you live. I'm from CT. I'd recommend going to Wet Pets in Vernon, CT for the tank...they are $11 there. Grab your salt there as well. Pick up the 20" Aqualife 96 watt light, skilter, heater, etc. on ---- or this site if its avaliable. Make the top yourself out of plexiglass...
  10. sov82

    Why Heaters?

    Why do you think many of the world's coral reefs are dying/receeding or flat out dead? Temperature Change.
  11. sov82

    Syracuse Area Fish Store

    Hi all...heading up to Syracuse for the week by myself for work. Wondering if there are any high quality fish stores in the Syracuse area that I could swing by to burn some time at night. If you know of one, can you post the address as well. -Thanks.
  12. sov82

    Quick Question on Carpet

    The most likely problem is that my skimmer is currently broken. I was expecting the replacement around the same time the carpet arrived but it still is not here. I have been "manually skimming" the top of the water 2-3 times a day. This is better than nothing. For whatever reason, my water...
  13. sov82

    Quick Question on Carpet

    Today his mouth keeps on sticking out. Im not sure whats his problem. Water levels are normal. There just seems to be something wrong with him. I tried to feed him a shrimp...and it seemed like he tried to eat it but now he's just holding it and his mouth is sticking out again...the shrimp...
  14. sov82

    Quick Question on Carpet

    Man this carpet is crazy lol....couple questions... Is it normal for him still to be moving around my tank looking for a spot to hang out? Its been a week now and he is still unsettled. Also, he absolutely hates my MHs. Its weird cuz he moved up towards the top of the tank like he was looking...
  15. sov82

    Quick Question on Carpet

    He's back to normal :)
  16. sov82

    Quick Question on Carpet

    He ate a pretty large chunk of shrimp yesterday.
  17. sov82

    Quick Question on Carpet

    My carpet's mouth is sticking outside its body now...he also looks like he's trying to push stuff out of him. This is just his way of releasing his waste, correct? I believe thats right but please correct me if I'm wrong.
  18. sov82

    Is the Carpet In Trouble?

    couple clowns, yellow watchman goby, orange scorpionfish, and a clown goby (who I worry the most amount). I will be adding a Tang + 1 other fish. Rest will be corals.
  19. sov82

    New Green Carpet from SWF

    He loves the PCs right now so I won't run the Halides on that side of the tank...or if I do, only for an hour or two. I just got a timing unit so I'll play with that. I'll post a pic of him later...he looks really nice.
  20. sov82

    You must buy Nassarius snails NOW!

    They are a good deal on ----...Im paying $2 each down at the local shop. I'd buy them on ---- but its cold in CT right now. These are defintely nice snails to have in your tank. -Matt