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  1. yimmy

    LR curing

    only salt...because the fresh water will kill the benneficial bacteria which causes the "curing" of live rocks
  2. yimmy

    I have 250$ for LFS...

    what is a good type of HOB skimmer that i could get for 250$
  3. yimmy

    I have 250$ for LFS...

    with only 250$? for a new tank. I'm not going reef because when I go to college I'm taking my tank with because I'm moving into an apartment and I won't have time for corals. I'm thinking of going with am HOB skimmer, and a lot of water. Maybe another Little Giant pump for current.
  4. yimmy

    Shark pond construction pictures

    awesome take some pics once u have fishies
  5. yimmy

    I have 250$ for LFS...

    I was given a gift card for 250$ to my LFS. My tank is already fully stocked. I could use a skimmer. But I don't have a sump. Any input on what you would do would be nice. BTW I have a 95gal FOWLR
  6. yimmy


    Thats what I was told about the war casualties...or it was the most amount in the period of time the war has been going on or something. The reason why it affects me so much is many of my friends are overseas. With me its a touchy topic, but with me going to afghanistan made sense...but Iraq...
  7. yimmy


    I'm 15 and this is my opinion.I don't know about you guys, but with me its the war in Iraq. Bush has done a couple great things, but this was not one of them. I don't really know why we went over. I know the Kurds and what not want a country but two more groups want it as well, and that has...
  8. yimmy

    Which Instrument?

    I have a really good ear so it was easy for me to teach myself...I also new some basic music because I've played the trumped, saxaohone,piano and drums. When your in college you can also play your guitar in your dorm. With a trumpet not exactly
  9. yimmy

    Finish my Sentence Part 2

    realized she was in a hospital tank...
  10. yimmy

    Little Halloween Candy Poll

  11. yimmy

    Finish my Sentence Part 2

    when she woke up in the morning had a hang over and...
  12. yimmy

    Which Instrument?

    I'm almost 16 and I've been playing the guitar since I was 9. I taught myself completely. The downside is I can only read tabs. I definately had struggles and times when I wouldn't play. All I can say is just have fun. Find songs like back in black, they sound awesome but they are easy to play...
  13. yimmy

    Clown hangs out only in one spot of the tank

    my tanks only has 3 PH but each one does at least clowns don't swim, they just no which way the power heads going and angle their body.
  14. yimmy

    what's your favorite

    grilled cheese, theres also a chinese place down the street, their open from 11am-1am...they also deliver, best thing ever in mankind, I live chinese food.
  15. yimmy

    Acne!!! What to do about it.

    I'm a sophmore in high school and with me the only thing that made my face break out was hand lotion, my girlfriend touched my face after she had on hand lotion, i had a huge break out. In my family genetics I should have acne because everyone in my family does, I just wash my face a lot, and...
  16. yimmy

    Thinking about a fuge/ species tank.

    will do, right now i'm worried my DT is going to drain all its water into my jawfish tank so I'm trying to figure that out
  17. yimmy

    Can u see clown eggs?

    a sally light foot, long nose buttefly, royal gramma, blue hippo tang, and a flame angel, and a bicolorblenny
  18. yimmy

    Got my new Brazilian Dragon!

    sharkboy i was wondering because everyone says something like, don't listen to him, hes just a kid. Blizz has it ever takin a go at your hand yet?
  19. yimmy

    I don't want to grow up . . .

    Street Bikes are awesome...I'm terrified of them though because last year a good friend of mine died, and there was nothing he could do, my parents have bikes, a harley low rider and a kawasaki ninja
  20. yimmy

    Who has the biggest fish???

    sick humor...