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  1. yimmy

    Who has the biggest fish???

  2. yimmy

    Brand new here!!!! Go Easy!!!!

    I would go with a sump allows you to have much more control I did not go with a sump system and I got a canister instead and right now I'm saving up my money for a sump system. They also add more water volume which makes it easier to control water volume.
  3. yimmy

    Thinking about a fuge/ species tank.

    thats what i'm thinking, i could also use the same mag float and stuff...a jawfish can live in a 5gallon but I also want to have coral and what not, thanks for all the help sign guy, it is much appreciated
  4. yimmy

    Thinking about a fuge/ species tank.

    yup...and then later on next year i'm taking out the canister and I'm going with a 55gal sump/fuge...right now I'm debating how to do the jawfish tank though, if i should just buy a 15-20 gal or build one...I'm leaning towards buying one so it won't have as big of a risk of leaking as if I built...
  5. yimmy

    Thinking about a fuge/ species tank.

    Heres my final plan
  6. yimmy

    Thinking about a fuge/ species tank.

    Okay so this is what I'm going to do...have my drain ( not the one in the overflow) go to the Fuge and from the fuge to my UV and back into the tank. Then my little gian will be hooked up to the center drain. I'll draw a pic to show you.
  7. yimmy

    Thinking about a fuge/ species tank.

    I'm an idiot I completely forgot to tell you this...So I have the drain from my overflow and I also have another drain in the center that goes to my little giant, through my canister and back into the tank. Then Hooked up to my overflow is the UV and a seperate PH just for water movement...
  8. yimmy

    Thinking about a fuge/ species tank.

    On second thought the pods would get stuck in the canister filter...
  9. yimmy

    Thinking about a fuge/ species tank.

    I see what you mean, actually makes alot of sense, what do you think about this...from my overflow it goes to my fuge, from my fuge it goes to my Littlegiant, from my littlegiant it goes to my canister and it T's off, BUT the water going to the UV will have a bulk head so I can turn the...
  10. yimmy

    Best Buys

    My UV sterilizer 300$...healthy tank though
  11. yimmy

    Thinking about a fuge/ species tank.

    My tank is drilled. So in the pic the water drains through the overflow to my littlegiant it goes to a canister, from the canister it T's off through the two drains on the bottom. Then I have a seperate power head for my UV, and then in this picture I just took I have another power head on the...
  12. yimmy

    Thinking about a fuge/ species tank.

    Now I have a nu-clear canister and a UV sterilizer, I was going to do a complete sump system with a skimmer, but its going on my desk and I don't think that would look all that great so after I'm done with the fuge I'm getting a HOB skimmer I'm not sure if this helps but heres a pic of my...
  13. yimmy

    Thinking about a fuge/ species tank.

    So my desk is going to be lower than my DT how do you think I should set it up, it would be very difficult for me to have my fuge higher than my DT the waterline of my DT is about 5.5 feet above the my fuge would have to be really high up, I dont think I could maintain my fuge if it...
  14. yimmy

    who has the biggest aquarium on here

    Thats awesome psucor...once I move out I'm going to try to do something pretty close to your tanks on the smaller end, a 95gal
  15. yimmy

    Thinking about a fuge/ species tank.

    Here is what I was thinking...I'm not sure how many gallons but thats the dimensions I was thinking...
  16. yimmy

    Thinking about a fuge/ species tank.

    I know this is a hard question to anwser but just for acrylic and the light how much do you think thats going to cost? I know for pumps it will wind up around 70$ for both
  17. yimmy

    Thinking about a fuge/ species tank.

    I forgot to add, is there any way to caculate how thick the acrylic should be so it won't break. I was thinking about 1/2 inch, if anyone thinks different let me know. Thanks, Jimmy
  18. yimmy

    Thinking about a fuge/ species tank.

    Thanks I see what you mean...for some reason I completely forgot that the water would have to get back into the tank :notsure: Could it work if I had a PH pumping water from the fuge back to the DT. This is what I'm now thinking and this could save me mucking around with my already plumbed tank...
  19. yimmy

    Thinking about a fuge/ species tank.

    Right now I have a 95gal FOWLR display with a canister and UV as my filtration. My tank is drilled and I have a Little Giant pump that does around 1000gal an hour. I did have a jawfish but he jumped from being scared and eventually got and infection. Now this is the part where I need help, my...