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  1. yimmy

    240g !!!!

    That sounds awesome. Once I'm going to definately get a large tank like that. Right now my 95 is plenty big for me.
  2. yimmy

    what are they doing?

    My clowns started doing that a month ago and they stopped but now they are still really protective about that spot. Mine have been in there for a little under a year
  3. yimmy

    Just picked this up

    Those are awesome. I think the second one is a Bubble coral.
  4. yimmy

    Cleaning crew for a 10 gallon?

    I would put about 8-10 blue leg crabs, a cleaner shrimp would be cool, and 5astreas and 5turbos.
  5. yimmy


    there is definately no "easy" buttefly, I've only kept long noses and they are very fragile...even though they are the hardier butteflies. I would definately not reccomend a buttefly in anything under a 70. Some places say a 55, but they are very energetic fish.
  6. yimmy

    Post them Pics of fish and Shrimp Cleaning other fish

    AW2x3's cleaner shrimp needs to be on jackass
  7. yimmy

    visiting phoenix/glendale

    yeah right now here the highs are around 85 and low is 60...later on it will eventually be 60high 40 low
  8. yimmy

    Clownfish Breeding

    thanks a lot...that anwsered a good number of my questions
  9. yimmy

    An eel question...

    Thanks for all the input...i'm not going to get an eel, i just think its putting to much at risk, because right now all of my fish are under 3in. Thanks for all the help Jimmy
  10. yimmy


    NM Reef, what kind of star is that?
  11. yimmy

    About to give up

    Just syphon, it should come right off...
  12. yimmy

    Looking for new fish - need ideas

    I wouldn't put in a bluespot jawfish. There are to many fast moving fish in their. I have a 95gal (just a bit taller than a 90) and I had a bluespot. Whenever my tang, or angel swam over it freaked. I would say something along the size of a wrasse. A blenny would also be an awesome fish to...
  13. yimmy

    Clownfish Breeding

    I've been thinking about breading my two ocellaris clown fish. I'm wondering how much money its going to cost roughly, and also what are some good books do pick up about it. THanks for the help Jimmy
  14. yimmy

    An eel question...

    no prob post away...i have ocellaris clowns...i just told my mom I was thinking about getting an eel...she looked like she was about to pass out so I have a hunch an eel is out of the question
  15. yimmy

    visiting phoenix/glendale

    I live in scottsdale...around me there are a bunch of mariots which are nice, a fairfield, and a jw mariot...BTW the traffics going to be bad because the blue angels are at the good year airport this weekend
  16. yimmy

    An eel question...

    My bad I thought I put in the tank specs...its a 95gal, it has about 120lbs of LR. As for a skimmer I'm without one. I have a cannister, a UV and my tank is balanced out to undetectable nitrates. My tanks been up since xmas of last year
  17. yimmy

    An eel question...

    I'm open to spending a bit of money, nothing as much as a hawaiin dragon. Are dwarf eels sensitive or more fragile in comparison to other eels?
  18. yimmy

    An eel question...

    I would like to get an eel for my tank, but I don't want to risk anything being eaten, if there was a great chance of it eating one of its tank mates then it will be a no go. here are the fish Cleaner Shrimp 2 Clowns Hippo Tang (small about 3in) Flame Angel Sixline Wrasse LN Butterfly Bicolor...
  19. yimmy

    Wow!!!!Arizona Cardinals...

    It was horrible...I was about to go to the game. We should have cleaned the bears by the way the first half was looking. I honestly think our high school varsity kicker could do better. I think it was just a massacre
  20. yimmy

    girl help
