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  1. chaseter

    chaseter's biocube nano extravaganza

    I love the actinic light, it makes everything in that tank so beautiful at night. I can't wait to get some vibrant fish that swim and don't hang out at the bottom.
  2. chaseter

    chaseter's biocube nano extravaganza

    Anyways, here is my nice candy cane coral: And, I finally got my first fish! My yellow watchmen He is a bit nervous but he has made the cave entrance his home. He is tiny, maybe half an inch. You can see the starfish back there...I guess they hang out together????
  3. chaseter

    Nissan new 29 bio cube Diary says LPS duncan but it looks just like a rock anem
  4. chaseter

    Nissan new 29 bio cube Diary

    Is that a rock anemone up there?
  5. chaseter

    live rock

    That yellow goby looks green???
  6. chaseter

    chaseter's biocube nano extravaganza

    Found out what it is: Scientific Name: Parazoanthus gracilis Classification: Soft Coral Common Names: Yellow Polyps
  7. chaseter

    29 gallon biocube light

    What is the point of buying a biocube when you are going to spend a ton of money replacing everything? You could have bought a bigger aquarium and all the equipment needed to support it for the same price.
  8. chaseter

    Refugium for Nano's!

    Originally Posted by jemshores Try to adjust your skimmer piece that came with the nano. Its the grill outside the intake. If you push it down slightly you will increase your flow. Please elaborate.
  9. chaseter

    25g solana update pics 10 weeks old

    For 10 weeks old, that is not only impressive, that is astounding! Good job.
  10. chaseter

    chaseter's biocube nano extravaganza

    I had no idea that my little goniopora, I think that is what he is, will catch and eat fish food! That little coral grabbed some fish flakes from the water and sucked it in! Also, the star fish is voracious for fish flakes. He crawls out there and grabs it and you can see the little leg go to...
  11. chaseter

    chaseter's biocube nano extravaganza

    Refugium is done! The water flow into the chaeto area was really loud and splashing so I cut the sponge that came with it in half so it would disperse the water and make it quiet and no splashing. The chemipure baggy made my water really dark Hopefully that will clear up pretty quick. I now...
  12. chaseter

    Refugium for Nano's!

    How much light does the chaeto need per day?
  13. chaseter

    Clean Up Crew? or Not?

    I am not a huge afficianado but I would say yes. The LFS has cleanup crew in every single one of their tanks for a reason, whether that be Gobys, shrimp, snails, stars, clams, etc... I would think that without them, you would be doing more work in keeping your tank healthy.
  14. chaseter

    Anemone Questions/Help!

    Originally Posted by chaseter My anemone looked dead so I tossed him. Thanks for all the help...cough. Originally Posted by MaryG What kinda lights do you have. Are they power compacts? If so they will not be enough to suffice a photosynthetic animal such as an anenome. Or, maybe it is still...
  15. chaseter

    Refugium for Nano's!

    What did the filter floss do? Or, since it is halfway that good enough for the chaeto to live and thrive?
  16. chaseter

    Refugium for Nano's!

    Do you have a filter Nissan or is your water just running into your refugium? Also, the water level in the second area of my biocube only fills about half way full because that is the way it is designed. How do you keep if full like in your pics?
  17. chaseter

    chaseter's biocube nano extravaganza

    I removed the sponge and bioballs in my aquarium and it kicked up a lot of particulate. I hope my critters will be alright for the night. I replaced the sponge area with my bag of activated charcoal that I already had. Tomorrow I will finish the refugium and do a water change. Hopefully...
  18. chaseter

    Refugium for Nano's!

    Going to do this tomorrow. Do LFS sell chaeto? Does it come dry or it is already alive? Also, how often do I add the chemipure and purigen to the tank?
  19. chaseter

    Refugium for Nano's!

    Do you have pics of either set up?