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  1. chaseter

    chaseter's biocube nano extravaganza

    Well corals and other inverts eat copes. I wanted a mandarin but was told that they eat too many copes to happily survive in a small tank. I want my corals to be happy and thrive so I wanted enough copes for them to munch on.
  2. chaseter

    Nano Reef Diary :O)

    Originally Posted by nanoreefnoob Took out a little to much during WC. It's maybe 1/2 3/4 of a gallon low right now. I'm gonna grab a gallon tomorrow to get it back up. **Update** Totally unrelated. Just ordered a medium rare burger with cheddar cheese and bacon. And a crab cake appetizer. Just...
  3. chaseter

    chaseter's biocube nano extravaganza

    Thanks meowzer! Also, when would you suggest adding copepods? I don't want to spend more money on a refugium and I would like them to become abundant in my aquarium before adding corals. Or, is a refugium necessary instead of buying packets of copes regularly?
  4. chaseter

    chaseter's biocube nano extravaganza

    Do I leave the lights on or off since the bacteria aren't photosynthetic and that would stop the growth of algae and other pesky plants that won't be maintained with the cuc/fish?
  5. chaseter

    chaseter's biocube nano extravaganza

    Sweet, then I will throw in a raw shrimp and let it cycle. Hopefully with the added LFS bacteria, the cycle won't take 6 weeks.
  6. chaseter

    chaseter's biocube nano extravaganza

    That is what I meant for letting it run for a while My LFS said that since the live sand and live rock contain the bacteria that they added in, it will speed up the cycle. So, what do I add to make it cycle? I don't want any damsels but the LFS said I could put a few cuc in there to start the...
  7. chaseter

    chaseter's biocube nano extravaganza

    After ***** shipped me a broken 14 gallon biocube, I finally got it again this past weekend!. I added live sand and some live rock yesterday. I am going to let it run for a while and then add some cleaning crew to slowly allow the bacteria to adjust to the bioload. Then 2 clowns, then a yellow...
  8. chaseter

    Rain water

    While rain water is technically purified through evaporation and then condensation, it can pick up many pollutants on its way back to the ground. Dust, allergens, and air pollution like sulfur. As someone else mentioned, if you are catching it from run off by a roof or other structure, it could...
  9. chaseter

    white sand vs black sand

    fyi, white sand helps to reflect the lighting from your bulbs and that will help keep your photosynthetic organisms happier and healthier.
  10. chaseter

    Looking for clean up crew

    I am also needing some advice on a 14 g cleanup crew. I will be getting a yellow watchman goby. But, the fish I want to have are 2 false clowns, the goby, and a royal gamma or a dottyback. What cleanup crew and how many go good with coral and won't murder my fishies
  11. chaseter

    Finally Starting Up!

    I got my 14 g biocube delivered yesterday, they were on sale at ***** for only $179! Anyways, the back glass near the filter was broken Had to send it back and have to wait a week for another one. Has any body else had problems with online orders? I would have gotten the tank from my LFS but...
  12. chaseter

    calibrating refractometer

    Finally! I can answer a question! When you use a refractometer, be sure that your sample is fully mixed. So, if you are leaving out a sample of salt water, the salt particles can move towards the bottom of the sample because NaCl is heavier than H2O, which would give you a false reading if you...
  13. chaseter

    Finally Starting Up!

    A royal gamma. Thanks for all the help! By any chance, do you know what and how many cleaner crew members I will need for this tank? I thought about a couple of clams, couple of crabs, a baby brittle or asterina, couple of shrimp, and a few snails.
  14. chaseter

    Finally Starting Up!

    So 2 clowns, and a gamma, and a goby should be fine. Would a star do fine in my tank?
  15. chaseter

    Finally Starting Up!

    Originally Posted by deejeff442 if you anything then you would know ,when you move anything with live baceria it will decay on transfer and cause ammonia. is this the new lfs scam going around? crazy fish stores That is why I came on here. I didn't want to get scammed or told I needed...
  16. chaseter

    Finally Starting Up!

    Originally Posted by deejeff442 you dont seem to cannot have a mandarin with that setup EVER. no matter how old the tank is.mandarins need alot of pods to survive. pods need a place to breed meaning a sump with lr in it.a safe place where the mandarin cannot get to them while...
  17. chaseter

    Finally Starting Up!

    Originally Posted by gypsana One more thing, a lot of LFS will try top sell you damsels to cycle your tank. I would not do that because they are hard to get out and they are more than likely going to be a aggressive fish. There is also the issue on how humane of a practice it really is...
  18. chaseter

    Finally Starting Up!

    Thanks so much. I will purchase a protein skimmer and start the cycle for the tank tomorrow. I am also going to purchase live rock but is it too soon to purchase a Mandarin or are the rocks ready to support them since I will be getting the rocks from a local store? Do the rocks need to grow for...
  19. chaseter

    Finally Starting Up!

    I bought a 14 g Biocube yesterday because I have been wanting salt water fish for years and finally mustered up the courage to start up. I have read that I don't need a protein skimmer if I buy live rock as it contains the micro fauna to properly clean and keep nitrate levels normal. Is that...