After ***** shipped me a broken 14 gallon biocube, I finally got it again this past weekend!.
I added live sand and some live rock yesterday. I am going to let it run for a while and then add some cleaning crew to slowly allow the bacteria to adjust to the bioload. Then 2 clowns, then a yellow goby, and then the last fish is up to you! I would love to hear suggestions on what would make a great last fish that is colorful and would fit in my 14 g.
Here is my tank so far!
All the levels are great and I even did a slight mod. The filtration for these things aren't the best so I put some charcoal in a little bag and put it over the bio balls to allow for some better filtration.
I added live sand and some live rock yesterday. I am going to let it run for a while and then add some cleaning crew to slowly allow the bacteria to adjust to the bioload. Then 2 clowns, then a yellow goby, and then the last fish is up to you! I would love to hear suggestions on what would make a great last fish that is colorful and would fit in my 14 g.
Here is my tank so far!
All the levels are great and I even did a slight mod. The filtration for these things aren't the best so I put some charcoal in a little bag and put it over the bio balls to allow for some better filtration.