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  1. reefnut

    Phosban Reactor Help

    That is a tricky question to answer IMO... phosphates being the elusive element that it is, can read 0 on a standard test kit but still could be causing problems. Also the life span of the media is directly determined by the amount of phosphates in the tank. I have always changed my media...
  2. reefnut

    Lighting, how much is good?

    That's low for a 55g reef... what were you thinking of putting in it??
  3. reefnut

    Do you add anything to your tanks.

    Water Changes & the Calcium Reactor does the rest...
  4. reefnut

    tank background color

    The paper backgrounds get salt creeps on them and start looking bad with in a few months IME... paint the back and you don't have to worry about it again. Black is my preference...
  5. reefnut

    Refugium Pix

    Originally Posted by CAM78 He said that this system will stop automatically if the pump ever stops pumping. I'm a little nervous to see if I have enough room being where I placed the baffles. A test run would be just setting it up right, can't do anything else? It will stop when the pump...
  6. reefnut

    Thoughts and Comments on getting water to Sump

    Originally Posted by GregS ReefFor, Not sure I follow, but find your comments interesting. Look in this thread and it will explain. That said... drilling your tank or getting a pre-drilled tank is the way to go IMO but the hang on...
  7. reefnut

    Please do not turn this into a rant or gun control issue

    It's hard to understand what would make a 18y old kid do something like this... and why in a family establishment like Trolley Square?? Makes no sense... my thoughts and prayers also go out to the victims and families. It's sad...
  8. reefnut

    Vacation - Fish without food ?

    They will be fine for four days... what about water evaporation??
  9. reefnut

    Refugium Pix

    VERY nice job CAM!!!! The only thing that 'may' be an issue is how tall your baffles are. You need to leave enough room in the sump/refuge for the water that will drain down during a power outage so it doen't overflow. It may be fine... a test run would be the only way to tell for sure.
  10. reefnut

    2 Cleaner Shrimp

    Cleaner Shrimp are lovers not fighters...
  11. reefnut

    Thoughts and Comments on getting water to Sump

    Why not consider a hang on overflow??
  12. reefnut

    Diatoms and Hair Algae

    I see, I agree too... :) CAM, have you started water changes yet??
  13. reefnut

    Diatoms and Hair Algae

    Originally Posted by acrylic51 Sorry to say, but the Queen Conch and Fighting Conch won't touch the hair algea....... No they will not... ???? They will do a good job of turning the sand and eating detritus and diatoms.
  14. reefnut

    760 watts 95g

    That's not to much... seems pretty good to me!!
  15. reefnut

    Good shrimp

    A cleaner would be a good snack for a mantis... but an expensive snack.
  16. reefnut

    Diatoms and Hair Algae

    What size of tank?? If your tank is big enough the Queen and Fighting Conch do an excellent job of cleaning sand beds. Also, what is your water source??
  17. reefnut

    Good shrimp

    Add two... they do well in pairs and will breed regularly if they're happy... although their eggs/offspring will just become food for the tank.
  18. reefnut

    tank background color

    I wouldn't think so... not much different than a tank covered in coralline.
  19. reefnut


    Wow, that is an amazing picture... how did you take it?? That's a really cool find... especially from the skimmer waste... too cool.
  20. reefnut

    Conversion question??

    I'd agree with 1journeyman... IMO calcium, alkalinity & magnesium are major elements. Trace elements would be those of very, very small amounts... hence the word "trace". Ex… Calcium ppm should be in the 400’s, Alkalinity in the 100’s to 200’ ppm, Iodine on the other hand should be in the...