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  1. elvictre

    Thanks Thomas712

    He's doing great now, I moved him to an open area to get the most light and he made some adjustments on his own. He now attached to a rock at the front of my tank and as of 2 days ago hosted my female maroon clown. Now that I know what I do I would recommend better lighting to everybody, I have...
  2. elvictre

    Angel Picking at my anemone

    Sorry not to specify Bang, but is they Will it kill my anemone?
  3. elvictre

    My Clown Gets around

    OK OK OK I'm just like you. I want to add everything to may tank..........I'll take it slow. Thanks Vic
  4. elvictre

    My Clown Gets around

    So I could add a BTA to my tank with my LTA.....very cool. Thanks Vic
  5. elvictre

    Backup Power?

    I contacted APC today and they told me which UPS I needed to run my filters and my lights for at least 2 hours. My question is what should I connect to the UPS? I would think water flow alone would be good if there is a temporary outage or should I connect everything (lights, protien skimmer...
  6. elvictre

    My Clown Gets around

    Do I have this have 2 different anemones in a 29 gallon tank? I was under the impression that you can have only one type in a tank. Vic
  7. elvictre

    Angel Picking at my anemone

    My Oriole Angel keeps picking at my LTA. Is this common, they say the angel is reef safe but he stays next to my anemone all day at takes little nips at him, is he stealing food? Please help Vic
  8. elvictre

    Spawning question for Bang or anyone who may know.

    Here is the tread I was directed to. Good Luck Vic
  9. elvictre

    Backup Power?

    Thanks for the information. I am going to add a backup generator to my home eventually.... after I am done with the renovations. But in the meantime I want to protect my fish....... Thanks Vic
  10. elvictre

    Backup Power?

    Does anyone know of a backup power source for fishtanks? I am looking for something similar to the UPS they use for PC's just in case there is a power outage when nobody is home. Thanks Vic
  11. elvictre

    How do you move a anemone?

    Thanks guys, I actually moved it with a net, I put it in my tank 2 weeks ago and he went under a rock. I just put new lights in and he seemed to be trying to get out from there to the point that he was completely rolled up in a closed position. It was easier than I tought to scoop him up and...
  12. elvictre

    How do you move a anemone?

    I see people try to place them in a better location, how is this done without getting stung. Is a net safe to use? Thanks Vic
  13. elvictre

    Thanks Thomas712

    Thank you for the light recomendation. I installed the new VHO's and my anemone has had alot more life (now if I can only get him out from behind the rocks). Even my fish seem to like it more. Thanks Vic
  14. elvictre

    A couple of questions?

    Why is that bang...I see that people have had problems having one for over 8 months, but everytime I check SWF they keep selling out. Thanks Vic
  15. elvictre

    A couple of questions?

    Thanks....I will stick with one anemone. As far as the Morrish Idol, it dosn't say it is not reef safe. It says to monitor with corals ans polyps.
  16. elvictre

    A couple of questions?

    First does anyone know if you can keep a LTA and a BTA in the same tank, and second can you keep a Morrish Idol with a anemone? I currently have a LTA and I was thinking about adding the other 2. Thanks Vic
  17. elvictre

    2 maroons and an anemone

    I ordered that set right after I posted it on here. I hope it comes soon, sudenly he seems a little smaller and not as active. Also my cleaner shrimp seem to hang all over him, is this normal or are they bothering him. Thanks Vic
  18. elvictre

    2 maroons and an anemone

    OK I'm pulling the trigger....let me know if I'm doing this mistake free please Thanks Vic 48" 4 Lamp VHO Retrofit Kit (w/ ARO Model 4L ballast) Bulb1: URI Actinic White 50/50 VHO Bulb2: URI Actinic White 50/50 VHO Bulb3: URI AQUA-D Super Actinic VHO #10-AD48/BLUE/VHO Bulb4: URI AQUA-D Super...
  19. elvictre

    2 maroons and an anemone

    OK let's see if I'm getting this right. I currently am ordering a VHO 4 bulb retrofit system with 2 URI Actinic White 50/50 VHO and 2 URI Agua D Super Actinic VHO #10 BLUE. Is this the correct bulbs I should use. Thanks Vic
  20. elvictre

    Metal Halide ?

    I was wondering if anyone can help me in adding a Metal Halide Light to my tank (I a newbee at this stuff) I curently have a fluorescent 2 bulb fixture. I changed the bulbs to a Marine Glo and a Power Glo. I know that this is not nearly enough light for my anemone to survive (thanks to Thomas...