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  1. elvictre

    How do I move my BTA?

    My BTA is attached to my tank glass up by the powerhead and I would like to move it. It is practically out of the tank and way too close to my powerhead. Can anyone give me some info? Thanks Vic
  2. elvictre

    Powder blue tang?

    Thanks, my fish are all pretty small right now. I will be getting a larger tank in the future as soon as the room I want to put it in is renovated. I was planning to have both tanks and just mainly my smaller fish in this tank that I have now. I have seen small powder blues at a LFS but they...
  3. elvictre

    Powder blue tang?

    Can you keep a Powder blue tang with a Blue hippo tang and a Yellow tang? The Blue Hippo and the Yellow get along great and I really want to add a Powder Blue (think it is the nicest fish out there) but don't want to do something that I will regret. Thanks Vic
  4. elvictre

    Clownfish Breeding

    First you should be in the clownfish & anemone boards, but here is all the info you need anyway. Vic
  5. elvictre

    BTA all over the place

    I just got a new BTA this week and this guy is the most active thing I have ever seen. My clown took to it right away, but this BTA has been all over the tank and the clown follows. In the last 2 days it has covered allmost all of my tank. Is it looking for a place to settle or will it allways...
  6. elvictre

    Way's to cool your tank

    So you are telling me I could sleep tonight? I have been worried for the past 3 hours that my fish will be dead in the morning...... tnx Vic
  7. elvictre

    Way's to cool your tank

    I have a retrofit kit mounted into the canopy. What type of fans should I use? Thanks Vic
  8. elvictre

    Way's to cool your tank

    Came home today to find my tank temp was on the high side. This has never been a problem for me until today. I have central air and the tank is in a spot that stays pretty cool, but for some reason today the temp was at about 81. I recently installed VHO's and I know they run pretty hot so I...
  9. elvictre

    Maroon tank mates?

    Maroons are considered the most aggressive clown, but mine don't seem that bad. Vic
  10. elvictre

    I did not Know?

    let me get this have a shark with a anemone. Wow, didn't know they could live together.
  11. elvictre

    Maroon tank mates?

    I'm not sure of your exact question, but I have a pair of maroon clowns and I also have a blue hippo tang, a yellow tang, 2 dwarf angels, a few chromis, sand sifting blennie and a few shrimp and starfish. All my fish get along great. I hope this helps. Vic
  12. elvictre

    Added my first coral

    I test my water regularly and my amonia, nitrate, nitrite and ph are very consistent and perfect as far as levels. I have 440 watts of VHO lighting. I did move him since this post and added a moon light.....he looks alot better, i guess the water flow is doing him better. Also if you know. Does...
  13. elvictre

    What type of water to use?

    Isn't distilled water simply boiled water? Also how long does it take to make RO water if I buy a unit, is making water a long process? Thanks Vic
  14. elvictre

    Added my first coral

    I added my first coral to my tank a couple of days ago. i had fish in my tank for a couple of months now but when I saw this beautiful piece of coral at the LFS I had to have it. I think it is a Galaxea coral. Has a exosceleton and makes a sweeper type motion. Is this a hard coral to keep? It...
  15. elvictre

    My LTA didn't make it

    I came home today and my LTA was dead. He has been acting strange for the last couple of days, getting really swolen at the base but keeping his tentacles in. He really never got comfortable in one spot. He would latch onto a rock and let go the next day, then my clown found him and kind of...
  16. elvictre

    What type of water to use?

    Thanks guys, I get home delivery of poland spring water in 5 gal jugs for my dispenser. So I was think of trying to use that. Would that be OK? Thanks Vic
  17. elvictre

    What type of water to use?

    i was wondering what type of water do I need to use to do a water change? Do I need to by a RO unit or can I use tap water and treat it? As of now I have a guy who takes care of my tank but I rather do it on my own. Any help please. Thanks Vic
  18. elvictre

    Almost all my fish are dead

    How are you acclimating these fish? It could be that you are not acclimating them properly.
  19. elvictre

    Is a anemone close up everyday.

    I have a LTA and he is open every morning and then in the afternoon he closes up and stays that way until morning again. He keeps trying to attach to different rocks, is this because he hasn't found a place to anchor yet or is this normal behavior. I seem to get the impression that everyones...
  20. elvictre

    Maroon or percula

    I went with maroon for the deeper colors and the fact that they do get larger than other clowns, but that is just my preference. Vic