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  1. elvictre

    Newbee to reef

    Tank Shot
  2. elvictre

    Newbee to reef

    Pic 3
  3. elvictre

    Newbee to reef

    Pic 2
  4. elvictre

    Newbee to reef

    Hey guys I am trying to get my tank into a nice reef. I have had it for about 7 months now with fish only and I added my first coral a month ago (galexia) and it has been doing fine, so I added more rock yesterday and 2 more corals. any suggestions on what to do next. Do you generally let time...
  5. elvictre

    Late night pictures

    Awesome pics....I'm pretty new to the reef stuff. I only have 3 corals right now and a BTA. But I am curious how long you have you Powder Blue for, I keep getting told that these are very hard to keep.....But I want one really bad. Have you had any problems? Thanks Vic
  6. elvictre

    How do you feed a Coral?

    Thank You Kip.
  7. elvictre

    How do you feed a Coral?

    Thank you guys.... Also is there anything I should be testing in my water besides Amonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, and PH. I'm kind of new to this, I have the guy from the LFS come once a month to do my water changes but I want to do it all myself. I am in the process of setting up a RO unit in a...
  8. elvictre

    How do you feed a Coral?

    Hey Bang, I add B-Ionic calcium buffer system there are 2 components to it. The first is alkalinity and the second is calcium. Also how do you feed it yours mysis shrimp, do you spot feed it? Not sure on how to actually do this. Thanks Vic
  9. elvictre

    How do you feed a Coral?

    I have a Galexea coral and I read that it requires to be fed brine shrimp twice a week. How do you do this? I currently just add calcium every week and also add marine snow. Is this enough? Thanks Vic P.S. I also want to add more corals in the very recent futher so any help with all feedings...
  10. elvictre

    help me choose a clown please

    Everything I read says they grow up to four inches
  11. elvictre

    help me choose a clown please

    As you see form my pic on my other post I have a maroons. I decided to go with them because they are a little more aggressive and I personaly like the color better. I bought a 2 of them real small (about 1 inch each) and they allready paired off, the larger one gets a belly every 3 weeks but I...
  12. elvictre

    What do you think?

    He's been there for three days so far. He has never stood in one place for so long besides being on my filter head.
  13. elvictre

    What do you think?

    Finally my BTA is in a good spot, I hope he stays here.
  14. elvictre

    Blue Hippo has a wierd new please

    I have a nice amount of live rock an anemone and a galaxia coral. I was going to try to go the reef way slowly. I do not have a quarantine tank. I just gave them some seaweed soaked with the garlic extreme again. Thanks Vic
  15. elvictre

    Blue Hippo has a wierd new please

    I just discovered a round white spot on the side of my Blue Hippo Tang, and on the other side she has ich. What do I do, how can I help her. The ich has allways come and went. I would soak some food in garlic extreme and it would help but now the round spot has me worried. Thanks Vic
  16. elvictre

    Big Tanks!

    I have to see this site, can you please send it too me someone. Thanks Vic
  17. elvictre

    Help, Anemone on my powerhead

    I did that was scary. Thanks Viper Vic
  18. elvictre

    Help, Anemone on my powerhead

    I can't get him off my powerhead, 2 more inches and he will interupt my waterflow. How do I move him? Thanks Vic
  19. elvictre

    How do I move my BTA?

    Thanks Bang
  20. elvictre

    How do I move my BTA?

    I tried holding the icepack there for about 5 minutes and it didn't move, how long should I hold it there? I don't want to freeze the guy. Thanks Vic