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  1. dpeter51

    Worried about noise if I make a sump

    Sounds good Doc. What's the purpose of the two outlets on the green line (primary)--noise? Does the one need to be at the level of the water as shown?
  2. dpeter51

    Worried about noise if I make a sump

    Sure, if I drained it quite a bit. What would that be for--a second outflow inside the overflow chamber or do you mean somewhere else in the tank as a return, or...? Sorry I'm a little new; I've read some of your posts and you obviously are very experienced.
  3. dpeter51

    Worried about noise if I make a sump

    That sounds ideal. Is your setup the same as mine--similar dimensions and such?
  4. dpeter51

    Worried about noise if I make a sump

    I have been thinking about setting up a sump with a 20 gallon tank since before I set up my DT. I have a few fish now and the tank is doing fine, and I like how it is very quiet. But nitrates are a little high and it would be nice to move the heater and skimmer out of the DT, so I'm still...
  5. dpeter51

    Earth day

    It's not about the earth, it's about running our lives for us
  6. dpeter51

    More evidence of Democrats looking out for the little guy

    Originally Posted by mgatdog dem or rep show me an honest one thats not out for the almighty $$$$$$ in his pocket to play as a puppet for the corp world. That's part of the game though. The politician's #1 purpose is to get re-elected. It's still up to the public to choose who they like best...
  7. dpeter51

    I wonder why Barack Obama and Tiger Woods are considered "African American"

    I'm a son of Adam. Pontius I agree...some will complain that America isn't ready for a black president if BHO doesn't win...but even if he does win, anytime anyone opposes him on a policy, out will come race again.
  8. dpeter51

    Well, Lets See Your Fresh Water Tanks!!!!!

    Originally Posted by Rune It's interesting how most of our freshwater tanks are all kinda tacky (hope that doesnt offend anyone) - It's like we have a need to fufill an inner child and how else can we do it than with plastic dragons and pirate ships. :) I love it! I was thinking the same...
  9. dpeter51

    how do you make a chiller?

    Not enough flow, or the water won't cool off enough as it goes through? What if you used tubing with some cooling fins, like a "radiator" from something? As I think about it you might need to use glass tubing to get enough heat transfer, plastic would be too low and of course metal is no good...
  10. dpeter51

    RO replacement filter question

    Anyone that is familiar with these please help? I am trying to research it, it looks like the cartridges I'm replacing are "granular activated carbon", as opposed to carbon block or "carbon wrapped" as these black ones said on the package. I don't know if the new ones are doing the job. The...
  11. dpeter51

    homade tanks

    Google melev's reef, he has lots of information about this that I'm sure would be very helpful to you.
  12. dpeter51

    how do you make a chiller?

    Sounds like it would work with enough patience (trial/error) but could be risky if your heaters can't keep up under certain conditions. You're also spending more on electricity because they're fighting each other--but maybe not too bad if you tune it right. I should look into this myself, I'm...
  13. dpeter51

    New Royal he ok?

    I'm keeping the damsel in the QT for 2-3 more weeks to be sure, but I bought a GOOD gramma ($40, ouch) from the store I trust. Day 2 and he's doing great, he gets along with my two ocellaris just fine and doesn't hide all the time like the other one did. I put him straight in with the clowns...
  14. dpeter51

    RO replacement filter question

    I can't find carbon filter replacements that look like what I have. Mine is the white (I have two of these). The black is what I got at HD, the tag on the shelf said "carbon wrapped". Mine are a lot heavier and obviously flow from one end to the other, however I can see that both designs will...
  15. dpeter51

    Thongs 15 Tall Reef Diary

    Cool skull
  16. dpeter51

    Cleaner Crew ????

    Bump, one more try...
  17. dpeter51

    I'm Doing My QT All Wrong

    I have to admit I got impatient and got a fish before my QT was cycled. I started worrying about having to do water changes every day so I put in a piece of live rock. Now I have to wait a few weeks to make sure it's safe to put back in my DT--and if the fish does start to show signs of ich, I...
  18. dpeter51

    Few Newby Q's

    Sounds like the pump is a start but you will need more. People generally recommend turning over the water in the tank 15-25x/hour, and if yours is 500 gph that's under 7x/hour.
  19. dpeter51

    Aquarium Overload? Please Help!

    IMO and its variants are actually used pretty much everywhere online, not just here. IMO = in my opinion IMHO = in my humble/honest opinion IMPO = in my personal opinion IMDWO = in my dead wrong opinion (usually don't see this one) ...and so on.
  20. dpeter51

    New Royal he ok?

    Thanks anthropo. The gramma didn't make it, I guess you could say he kicked the water change bucket. Damsel still looks happy and I will monitor her for a few weeks before adding her to the main tank. I'll be more careful where I buy my next gramma--I got both of these guys from an LFS with a...