Search results

  1. dpeter51

    LFS recommends UV sterilizer over skimmer...which is it??

    Bought the AquaC remora...seems great so far. Making foam, not too loud...but no gunk yet, just water. I'm just starting to cycle with live rock that was in an established tank previously but that I think I injured by keeping it in water that was too warm for about 24 hrs. I measured ammonia...
  2. dpeter51

    Koralia PH - what size?

    I went ahead and bought a pair of Koralia 2s, but while I'm cycling my new tank I just put one of them in there. I also have an AquaC Remora running the Maxijet 1200 and should be receiving a Magnum HOT filter in a day or two. I'll see how the water flow looks with those three items and decide...
  3. dpeter51

    How Exactly Do I Perform Water Changes?

    Old topic but it has some great info. I still have a couple questions. 1. What's the best way to introduce new water if you don't have a sump? Just pump it straight into the tank with a powerhead? That might only take about 45 seconds unless I stepped down the hose ID. Think that would be...
  4. dpeter51

    Oh shoot...does RO remove chlorine?!?

    Cool, thanks for putting my mind at ease.
  5. dpeter51

    Oh shoot...does RO remove chlorine?!?

    Never mind, LFS just opened and answered my question. He told me the carbon filtration in RO systems does remove the chlorine.
  6. dpeter51

    Oh shoot...does RO remove chlorine?!?

    Man, I may have really goofed. I have an RO unit for drinking water but I don't think it distills it. It has the three vertical cylinders, plus two more sideways on top, and a big tank that I assume is for storage of the RO water until it is used. Briefly, here's my situation: I brought home...
  7. dpeter51

    WTB AquaC Remora w/ Maxijet

    Willing to pay $75 plus the cheapest shipping you can find for a Remora with the Maxijet pump in good condition.
  8. dpeter51

    Base rock - where to find it?

    I keep reading about how base rock is a way to save cost when starting up, but I've only found it from one website through google and one seller on ebaay. Do LFSs sometimes sell it or where else might I look? Also, how long before it is well-seeded if it's in a tank with some live rock?
  9. dpeter51

    Koralia PH - what size?

    I've read a lot of positive stuff about Hydor Koralias and I like the magnet idea, just wondering how big I need to go with a 50 gallon (15x20x36 in). I live in AZ and the tank is acrylic so I'm worried about heat, plus with fish only I'm thinking I can aim a little under 20x/hr turnover...
  10. dpeter51

    black sand?

    Search around a little and you'll find it, it's on Petsmart's website, or google "caribsea" or "nature's ocean". I'm thinking about black sand too--would be very nice looking I think, but not sure if it will go with my stand and everything so still thinkin'. I also really liked some sand I saw...
  11. dpeter51

    LFS recommends UV sterilizer over skimmer...which is it??

    Nice...thanks. I'm pretty much decided to get the skimmer and just smile and nod if they say I made the wrong decision. And I might keep looking around for other LFSs, just to do price checks n stuff.
  12. dpeter51

    LFS recommends UV sterilizer over skimmer...which is it??

    Originally Posted by big My thought would be if someone agrees with this shop. They too should be suspect as to having any true expertise in this field.
  13. dpeter51

    LFS recommends UV sterilizer over skimmer...which is it??

    K guys, thank you. I did read that other thread that you linked, Lex. I posted my own question because that discussion addresses the difference between the two but didn't give me an answer as to why someone is telling me the UV sterilizer will have a more significant benefit than a skimmer. I...
  14. dpeter51

    LFS recommends UV sterilizer over skimmer...which is it??

    Hi, I've got an empty 50 gallon acrylic tank that I'm planning to put together as FOWLR. I plan to put in a clown or two, a royal gramma, a pair of blue damsels, a hawkfish, maybe a flame angel, but no tangs. I'd prefer not to go nuts right away and build a sump, but to take it slow and...
  15. dpeter51

    How to find "sugar" sand

    Cool thanks, those both look pretty good. The Nature's Ocean site has several that look interesting, including a black type.
  16. dpeter51

    How to find "sugar" sand

    Hi guys, I'm new to the hobby (at least to saltwater fishkeeping) and I would really like to get substrate for my 50 gallon aquarium that looks like sugar. I was in Pensacola FL recently and was amazed at the sand on the beach there, it literally looked like white sugar both when it was wet and...