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  1. langcjl


    I have some caulerpa in my FOWLR. I have read all the threads on caulerpa in the display and I am aware of the drawbacks but I do not have a refugium or sump yet. The caulerpa seems to be getting a white dusting on it. Are these the spores? Is it about to release them and mess up my tank? Has...
  2. langcjl

    The NANO Police!

    please search before posting, I get really annoyed when interactive forums become too full of people interacting. What would be really great is if one person would read through all the posts and condence them all into one article. SWF could then disable posting and none of us would be forced to...
  3. langcjl

    Fresh Water Mollies

    Who is the arbiter of what’s COOL and what’s not? Many people would say that keeping ocean fish in a small tank is not COOL. Don’t you think it is a bit hypocritical, criticizing someones cycling technique, (in whish the fish lived) considering your insistence on keeping your fish in an...
  4. langcjl

    ordering 300 setup

    Tony, try the free photo resizer on this page. works great, easy
  5. langcjl

    Overflow box?

    Broomer, that is exactly what I have been looking for. The diagrams are really good. Maybe now that the original question was answered so nicely, we could expand upon it and someone could explain the baffles that many people have in their sumps.
  6. langcjl


    Anyone else have any thoughts on that? The starfish does not climb and so has access only to the sand bed in front of the live rock. This is about 50% of the area. The starfish does not bury himself in the sand, he really only gets half of his body below the sand so at most he is burrowing 1/2"...
  7. langcjl

    i forgt to rinse sand what to do ?

    It takes a long time for the dust to settle. Once it is clear any movement in the tank will make a cloudy mess for a while. Have patience, you will think it will never stay clear and then one day it will be(and stay) crystal clear. I just went through this. I was ready to curse everybody here...
  8. langcjl


    He was missing part of his arm when put into the tank. It seems to be healing nicely. We fed him a chunk of a mussel and he ate it. He seems very healthy and active and so far has exhibited no signs of any dangerous behavior. We have fed him a couple of times now and all seems well. Thanks for...
  9. langcjl


    Yes, we did pick it up off of the beach just as he came in with the tide down in Myrtle Beach...he does bury in the sand a lot...does that mean he's looking for food?.....-I feed him a mussel last night the way -The Claw- told me and he ate it right he's ok for about 3 days right?
  10. langcjl


    Also, how often would you feed him?
  11. langcjl


    thanks for all your help:D
  12. langcjl


    here's what he looks like
  13. langcjl


    i don't think that he is a brittle star... more along the lines of a normal starfish.. but he is pretty big - like 6 inches across - but how and what would you feed him?
  14. langcjl


    We brought this neat looking starfish home from the Atlantic Ocean a few weeks ago...he's a sandy brown color and has horizontal black stripes...he hasn't been eating lately... any suggestions??
  15. langcjl


    We brought this neat looking starfish home from the Atlantic Ocean a few weeks ago...he's a sandy brown color and has horizontal black stripes...he hasn't been eating lately... any suggestions??
  16. langcjl

    live rock maint.

    This is my first tank. I just finished the cycle about two weeks ago. I use RO water and test nearly every day( I am new at this and think it is kind of fun).
  17. langcjl


    Every grocery store or wal-mart super center around here has an RO water dispenser that You can use to fill your own containers for 30 to 40 cents per gallon. That is cheaper than distilled. Just get a couple of containers from wal-mart and make a few trips to the store.
  18. langcjl

    live rock maint.

    In a 75 gal. FOWLR I have 45lbs. live rock and a deep sand bed. I supplement with Tropical Science MARINE CARE PLUS which contains strontium, molybdenum, calcium, iodine and B-12. I have two coral life 15W bulbs. My question is do the organisms in the live rock(pods) need added food or some...
  19. langcjl


    It is an Atlantic Spadefish. He is about 5 inches right now. I saved him from being part of someones friday fishfry. He is a temporary guest and doing just fine. I never knew but apparently Spadefish are very good eating:eek:
  20. langcjl


    What type of clean up crew is likely to survive/thrive in an aggressive FOWLR containing a Spadefish, Blue jaw trigger and a Lionfish? This tank also has a deep sandbed.