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  1. socalracer

    blue stripe shroom

    this is what mine looks like....also if my one polyp survives how do they reproduce?
  2. socalracer

    blue stripe shroom

    thats the general shape but my one polyp looks like it is purple in the background w/ green stripes that start at the center and go to the guessing it is not a blue stripe any ideas? and no im sorry i cant post a pic i know it would be helpful
  3. socalracer

    blue stripe shroom

  4. socalracer

    free bluestripe mushroom

    those aren't it but thanks for the pic
  5. socalracer

    blue stripe shroom

    anyone have pics of a blues stripe mushroom or any similiar looking corals
  6. socalracer

    red linkia

  7. socalracer

    free bluestripe mushroom

    that is the pic i sall, it looks really similiar but i couldn't tell for sure by that pic
  8. socalracer

    red linkia

    do i need to feed my red linkia starfish anything or is algae enough?
  9. socalracer

    free bluestripe mushroom

    about a week ago i got a couple things at my lfs and when i got home i was suprised to find a small coral in with one of the fish. i figured it would die b/c it hadn't attatched itself anywhere and the fish were curiously nipping it, and i don't have good ligting. i finally placed it in a...
  10. socalracer

    LFS got me

    just wanted to know how often this wrasse(red coris) should eat, most sites say 3 times?
  11. socalracer

    LFS got me

    currently i have A MAROON CLOWN, TOMATO CLOWN, flame hawk, pur. psuedochromi, blue devil damsel, and the wrasse i already usually feed the fish twice a day so daily feedings aren't a big deal, this however is my first "moderately difficult" fish according most websites they also say they need...
  12. socalracer

    LFS got me

    it is a juv and when i first added it burrowed in the sand for the first 12 hours now it is very active and seems to make a nice addition as long as it doesn't turn into a crustacean killer......also will it mess w/ larger crabs i.e sally lightfoot
  13. socalracer

    LFS got me

    do have a ls bed, CJML u still have hernits and snails, so i am guessing as long as the fish doesn't get hungry for the most part i should be sort of ok... i hope i9 can make it work b/c i like the fish in both juv/adult colors
  14. socalracer

    LFS got me

    so far i haven't really been ripped off or actually followed any advice of the lfs that was detrimental but yesterday i bought a red coris wrasse for 17 bucks which i knew was about right, but when i asked some general questions about the fish, the worker told me they were reef safe and they...
  15. socalracer

    help fast!!!!!!!!!!

    thanks everyone the water temp is up to the tank temp., and im just going to wait a little while and see if it dissolves, how long can i keep the pumps off on my tank?
  16. socalracer

    help fast!!!!!!!!!!

    its not clumpy i just see white dots throughout the water
  17. socalracer

    help fast!!!!!!!!!!

    yes im doing the change right now, i know i should wait but i don't have enough containers to do that (i know bad excuse) i culd mix longer, it just seems weird because usually it dissolves really fast
  18. socalracer

    help fast!!!!!!!!!!

    i'm doing a water change (10 g) and my salt isn't dissolving all of the way. its instant ocean and when i went to use it was a little clumpy like sugar is when it gets wet. any ideas can i still add it i have no other salt it's 10 pm and my 100g needs 10g or the pumps will just shoot out air
  19. socalracer

    pics of snail out of its shell

    have any fish picked at it?
  20. socalracer

    first fatality

    my tank is a 100g with 50lbs lr i have hermits, snails, flamehawk, blue devil damsel, and tomato clown, tank is about 4 months old, trites were 0 ammonia 0, trates 5 ppl i think(well in range) also the night b4 it died it appeared to have blood under its skin towards its gills, i could tell b/c...