..lol squidd your cracking me up of the pic of your really old tank... ....... Also about mr.4000 I'm not sure if hes a member here but his tank was one of my top 3 favorites along with brooklynjohny and steve weast's for sure.. To bad mr.4000 had to take his down due to all the evaporation...
Originally posted by blaze86
well i dont exactly have 500 bucks to drop on a skimmer so ill settle for the berlin XL. tony you dont think the sharks would work?????
Well the waste the animals you want is so enormous that I don't think a crappy berlin skimmer will even be close to big enough...
You can buy a bak-pak used or new of ---- for like $70 or get a seaclone for like $50 both aren't the best for tanks over 30g. but great for tanks 30g. and under.
My dad got a colony of hydno so i'm gonna steel a frag of it, thanks for the offer though.. I hope the prop tank goes good.. What are you gonna grow coral wise?
Originally posted by starfishjackedme
bro's i modified the carp outta mine and i ain't talkin about fish. i have the 2" main chamber version and chopped it off at the bottom and extended it a foot and a half for more dwell time. I am using a rio with the built in rejuvenation venturi that...
Originally posted by reefer44
yea i know :) ....i will get one sometime this week for you........workin' there is pretty cool....i now get everything at very low prices which is good now that my budget has run out ;) .........the owner has also been keeping saltwater for about 40 years and...
I'd go with like 4 maxi-jet 1200 on a wavemaker. I'd also do the maxi jet mod were you cut the nozzle off and every time it turns on it flows a different direction. I would have them turn on and off every 15 seconds.:D
Imo, you should be fine with caring for the plate and candycane but the clam your gonna need metal halides to keep him happy. I'd take the clam but your not local.:D
Originally posted by sandman12
money has been sent!
How the your reef goin sandman? Have you got any decent sps? Whats yur plans for yur newly bought pendant? I got a nice green w/ white rim cap, a purple monti, pink birdsnest. I'm seting up a auto top off threw k-reactor. I'm thinkin off...
I would look into a higher end skimmer such as a mrc becket, asm needlewheel, geo needlewheel, or one of those new euro-reef recirclulating needlewheel skimmers.:D
php please look at my advice in your other thread Filters also I forgot to mention as stated above are you using ro/di water. If you follow the steps I gave you, your tank will be pretty awesome.:D
Originally posted by SMoney
it's pc lighting and that is gonna be such a sweet set up now that i can keep yellow polyps
26 watts of pc should be more then enough to keep yellow polyps, and they should be bright yellow and not "dark".:D