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  1. monkdaily


    yes she uses it as a crutch to say its not my horrible decisions it this dang ol pot. wrong! wrong!
  2. monkdaily

    Putting Faces to the Names

    yes humor us
  3. monkdaily

    Well, Lets See Your Fresh Water Tanks!!!!!

    i will post when i get home from work also its a 20g Rob&Big themed tank
  4. monkdaily


    Originally Posted by AquaKnight For the Jamie Foxworth example, I used it to prove that pot is addictive because the majority impression I felt here was that it's not. She said she had to smoke every hour on the hour and often missed auditions because of the weed which is what caused her career...
  5. monkdaily


    Originally Posted by AquaKnight Then why is the girl from the Crosby show on Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew for smoking pot? her name is Jaimee Foxworth she played Judy Winslow on Family matters with Steve Urkel and iam sure it more than just pot she also does skin flicks so all that goes with...
  6. monkdaily


    all it takes is some life lessons.........and educated research
  7. monkdaily


    Originally Posted by mfp1016 I agree that there is an issue in that there is no breathalyzer-like test to determine the much needed limits. urine or blood test on the spot like a breathalyzer. sense you have to take a blood test if you refuse the breathalyzer now for the good stuff: THC is only...
  8. monkdaily


    it is clear that some people here have never tryed or done a single drug in their life but thats beside the point. i think it should be legal. i could write a book on the subject being a sober individual, however to keep myself out of trouble i think it should have the same rules and regulations...
  9. monkdaily

    Cardinal Fish, and other fish opinions!!

    wow there are alot of ?'s here and not easily answered but i will do the best i can i dont know about how the angels and tangs will act toward the cardinals but the cardinals wont pick on either. very calm pretty much the exact oppisite of damsels. i prefer the Bangaii Cardinal w/the transparent...
  10. monkdaily

    Enough already! No more ethnic titles!

    yeah it truly is crazy because either way u look at it race/ethnicticity on govt. documents only have like 6 choices so a large majority of people get lumped together. ie "alix2.0 then i would like to be reffered to as a northern irish-french-japanese-american" there is no way to please...
  11. monkdaily

    Enough already! No more ethnic titles!

    i always see it under race: mexican/hispanic
  12. monkdaily

    Lunar lights

    first off do run FOWLR or reef as for the alge so how old is ur tank do u have a clean up crew is it near a window because it dosent seam to me like ur running ur lights for too long from what i know actinic are mostly for estetics to make ur fish colors pop and to promote zooxanthellae alge...
  13. monkdaily

    Enough already! No more ethnic titles!

    Originally Posted by bigarn If anything it should be ... AMERICAN of African decent AMERICAN of Italian decent AMERICAN of Irish decent .... etc. If you are truely AMERICAN then AMERICAN should come first. Just my 2 cents. i could not have said it better myself. however as messed up as it...
  14. monkdaily

    Anyone Else Acclimate like this?

    i dont. seeing as how i dont have a sump. but it sounds like a smart idea and would be the way i would do it if i had a sump. but i place the fish bag in my display for temp, and because it is above the water line therefore impossible to siphon so i use a plunger: used for injecting flavor in...
  15. monkdaily

    good for 55 gal

    yeah i found one that was like 2.5 in first off it was from one of those PETstores. and then i thought about a 16in hubcap in a 55g and thought better of it
  16. monkdaily

    Please report bad post, spam, bad attitudes, and links to competitors here!!!
  17. monkdaily

    Jaguars cheat

    there is always holding on every play, every play o-line d-line. thats that it happens if it get called it gets called if it dosent it dosent. if u ever played football u would know that like i said if u really wanna review the tape iam sure u will find it on both sides of the ball. and to tell...
  18. monkdaily

    Does your LFS give you some % off of things?

    yeah the worst one around has 30% off if u bring in and can of corn or something, its actualy pretty awesome if u think about it. but still uh-uh not for me.
  19. monkdaily

    101 Tips to Beginning and Maintaining a Saltwater Aquarium

    this is the greatest thing since owning an ocean! and to think i could have saved millions if i had this list when i started
  20. monkdaily

    NCAAF Nat'l Championship

    big 10, pac 10 = most over rated conf.