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  1. robn70

    featherduster trouble

    Your water temp is a little low which may be stressing the duster. Most of the Reefers on this site keep theit tanks temp around 78 -80. The brown algae will go away in time it is most likey diatoms which you will get while the tank is cycling. Also if not already try switching to RO/DI water...
  2. robn70

    Brown dusty looking algae

    Using RO/DI water helps too.
  3. robn70

    featherduster trouble

    More info on your setup would make it much easier for someone give you a proper answare. Such as how long has your tank been setup and what are your current water parameters (PH, SG, Ammonia, Nitrates, etc.) Rob
  4. robn70

    60 gal hex

    With the amount of LR and LS you could go with a cpr backpack skimmer which hangs on the back of the tank. A lot of people are having great sucess with them and they are easy to setup and maintain. I had one on my 29 gal fowlr before I moved up to a 75 gal reef with built in overflows.
  5. robn70

    CPR Overflow Poll

    I haven't had any trouble with mine either. Haven't removed it from the tank since I got 2 yrs ago. Have more trouble with the Mag return pump restarting after a power outage.
  6. robn70

    well since everyone is video happy hehe

    Is this the start of a Discovery Channel special?:p ;) Great job and cool looking tank.
  7. robn70


    And I thought the term "Swimming with the Fishes" was Mob releated...:confused: So much for learning from the Godfather movies.
  8. robn70

    Add a Refugium

    The CPR units are in the $70 -$100 range depending on th size. Did see some post on one of the RAGS about people having problems with them over flowing. I was looking at them and have decide to put one in the new sump that i am plannong for a winter project.