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  1. drew2005

    switch salt mix / recommendations

    Im doing my first change from Red Sea to Tropic Marin Pro this weekend.
  2. drew2005

    taking any donations!

    Sorry it just bothers me when i see these kinds of posts. Next time I wont say anything.
  3. drew2005

    power bills???

    Originally Posted by jrthomas40 i am about to upgrade to hqis and i was wondering what peoples power bills are since running these high wattage systems??? ********************************************* try this link out..its pretty cool. Sorry, can't allow links to competitor sites or sites that...
  4. drew2005

    taking any donations!

    How about trying to get a job? Ill tell you what since i cant afford what i want for this hobby can someone on here just give it to me. I hate when people come on here looking for handouts.
  5. drew2005

    Test Kits

    You need the essential test kits. For ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph. I recommend a refractometer to test your salinity. If its a FOWLR then a calcium test kit isnt really necessary. Oh and alkalinity and phosphate test kits too. I highly recommend buying Salifert kits. They are a bit pricey but...
  6. drew2005

    I Got A Phillip. Morray!!!!!!!!! He Is Sooo Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nice eel but the tank looks very small for him. Most eels i have researched need around 100 gallons. What size is your tank?
  7. drew2005


    Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG nvm i was reding it and if it can sustain 3 airplanes(it hold 700) i will go on it :) It actually can hold 71 fully loaded boeing 747's totaled at 71 million pounds. I would definitely go on it. Must be some view.
  8. drew2005

    Power Head

    Originally Posted by aquaman2000 I was wondering if any body knew of a power head that i could put in a 36 gal tank (Model pls) I would go with a Maxijet 900. I have 2 in my 46 gallon.
  9. drew2005

    180 Tank/Stand in NY

    Any pics? I might be interested. email me
  10. drew2005

    Candy cane coral question

    Originally Posted by alyssia Does it matter if I put it on the rocks or in the sand? Mine are on the rocks. I guess its up to you where you want to place it. You might want to place them higher considering you dont have alot of light. I would try and place them mid tank and see how they do.
  11. drew2005

    Candy cane coral question

    I have mine under 300w 14k MH with a medium flow and they are happy as can be. Ive never had to feed them anything.
  12. drew2005

    Playstation 3 20gb for sale

    $550 shipped
  13. drew2005

    46 gallon Mafia...hahahaha

    Originally Posted by Scoobs i wonder if that support in the 46 gallon tanks are really needed Yes they are needed. I would not cut it off. Although there is a thread where someone cut the brace and replaced it with a clear piece of acrylic.
  14. drew2005

    90 Gallon Tank,stand And Canopy In Long Island

    Can you send me pics also?
  15. drew2005

    46 gallon Mafia...hahahaha

    I have the Current Sunpod on my 46 bow. 2 150w 14k. I love it.
  16. drew2005

    Mg question

    I have had success bringing my Mg level up with Kent Tech M. Works great IMO.
  17. drew2005

    Which salt would you buy?

    Originally Posted by MonaLisa Have you considered (yet another choice) Oceanic? I know that when I went reef and slowly switched to Oceanic from Instant Ocean (not the reef crystals, though), my calcium levels finally got to acceptable levels. Just a thought...I know, just what you need, another...
  18. drew2005

    Testing for Calcium

    Did you use the whole syringe of reagent?
  19. drew2005

    Which salt would you buy?

    Originally Posted by .357 there is another post about salt choice on this board try searching for it. The post breaks down the chemical levels of a lot of different salts. RedSea only has calcium level of about 320. They are betting that you are using tap water in your mix to bring it up to...
  20. drew2005

    Which salt would you buy?

    Red Sea Coral Pro or Tropic Marin Pro Reef. I need to order and its a toss up between the two. Difference in price is about $15 for the Tropic Marin. Not a big deal just wanna get some opinions.