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  1. socalnano24

    New Pico Tank Build

    Yay feedback! Can always count on meowZy. Now I've never kept sexy shrimps. Does anybody have good or bad experiences with them?
  2. socalnano24

    Nissan new 29 bio cube Diary

    Well a meowzy can only post on so Many threads. But seriously my posts have gotten lonely :(
  3. socalnano24

    New Pico Tank Build

  4. socalnano24

    Nissan new 29 bio cube Diary

    No more zoas! Oh no. In my experience palys are almost bullet proof! Good luck on the new changes to the filter. You gotta get back on here the boards have been pretty dead. Meowzer and cran are pretty much holding down the fort
  5. socalnano24

    Need New Nano Help!

    Yeah, there are several of us in the nano tank group that have set up mini refugium's, most of us use chemi pure or chemi pure elite in the first chamber, then chaeto up the second. If you go here: it has lots of ideas and you can usually get input and responses on nano ideas...
  6. socalnano24

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    Looking good dsmeth; you've got some really nice corraline growth it looks like. Ok; So I got bored today and this is what I did! I had tried to make a 5.5 gallon copepod tank last week, and it was clearly failing so I went a little bit farther with it and just made a small reef tank setup...
  7. socalnano24

    New Pico Tank Build

    Ok, so last week I set up what I thought would be an easy copepod cultivation tank. By today I had a lifeless tank with dead phytofeast in it; and no visible signs of copepods..... So I decided to take a more proactive approach to the new tank; such as turning it into a mini reef tank! Went and...
  8. socalnano24

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    Originally Posted by moepenny68 I have a 16g... please don't kick me out! ;] Tank looks good!
  9. socalnano24

    Need New Nano Help!

    Originally Posted by sparky101 My first question is, in your oppinion, which is better? Nano cube vs. Bio cube Second question is, if you could give me only one piece of advice when setting up a nano tank, what would it be? (keeping in mind that i have kept a salt tank before) Make sure you...
  10. socalnano24

    Copepod Culture 5.5 gallon tank build

    It's been cold lately and the water temp dropped to 65. I think I'm goin to need a small heater because thyself a bit low for any tropical pods I may eventually try culturing. So far not much has changed. No obvious jump in pod population
  11. socalnano24

    40 gallon tank build

    Ok sweet, thanx jigger. I haven't really heard of many people using a breeder tank. How is it coming along? It'll be good to have someone in a similar boat as mine develops. I'll check out those T5's Working on a sump design currently
  12. socalnano24

    40 gallon tank build

    Ok so I'm back on track with this build. I've started to look into lighting. I'm thinking t5's and I'll probably hang them. I'm going to draw up some schematics for my in tank sump and post em on here for input. Anybody have any recomendations for a good filter pump?
  13. socalnano24

    Origins, How did you get started in this hobby?

    I've had freshwater tanks since I was five. Started with a few goldfish, and after a few fair visits (and playing lots of those ping pong ball games with the little fish bowls) ended up with like 20 feeder gold fish. This progressed to amazon fish by the time I was 12, mainly tetras, scissors...
  14. socalnano24

    Copepod Culture 5.5 gallon tank build

    Oh yeah, so I currently have the light running for 8 hours a day, with no heater, so I'm expecting the water to stay around 72 degrees. From what I understand room temperature is fine, what would you recomend?
  15. socalnano24

    Copepod Culture 5.5 gallon tank build

    should it be like a 5 inch rigid end, does the rigid portion need to be perforated, or just go for a steady stream at the end? One forum mentioned to allow for about one bubble a second.
  16. socalnano24

    Copepod Culture 5.5 gallon tank build

    pod cultures in a different room from my phyto cultures? I don't get it, as long as there is no exchange of water into the phyto from the pods shouldn't it be sufficient to keep them seperate? Please elaborate your experience if you don't mind I trust you if you insist, it just doesn't seem...
  17. socalnano24

    Copepod Culture 5.5 gallon tank build

    Ok sounds great. I'll probably be ordering the phyto stock and next batch of live pods from online, there aren't many LFS's around here that have that type of thing. From what I understand culturing phyto can be done in a 2l bottle with and airstone and 1.019 salinity? I read that as long as I...
  18. socalnano24

    Copepod Culture 5.5 gallon tank build

    First off, I have a 24 gallon nano tank, with a sixline wrasse and two true percs. It has 28 pounds of live rock; and a "nano fuge", with chaeto and nano glo lights in the back. I've noticed an abundance of copepods, as well as athropods (sp?) and decided to try a small green mandarin. I...
  19. socalnano24

    What to do about fish when away for a week.

    I went on vacation for a week this summer and my "watcher " left the tank lid down on a 95 degree day. All my fish died. I even had an old person medicine Tupperware for feeding amounts. Just be sure to be thourough on what he is and isn't supposed to do. My buddy didn't understand why the lid...