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  1. bdhough

    Now it's the polyps

    Corals often change color with varied lighting conditions. I think the darkening of a coral means more zooxanthellae production. Could mean its lacking light and going to an easier symbiotic algae color to maintain. Who knows :) water is fine though. NOt sure whats high for phosphates but...
  2. bdhough

    clean up crew for a 55 gallon with fish

    Hmmm. Where to begin. 10 Ceriths 5 Astreas 2 Mexican Turbos whihc leaves room for that odd margarita snail, or the red foot trochus, or maybe some nassarius snails. Not to mention shrimp, maybe a star, couple more hermits would do good say 10 more....
  3. bdhough

    minimum tank size for 2+ large angels

    Considering how big a full size angel truely gets i wouldn't put one in less than a 180.... I saw quite a few at the coney island aquarium in a fake reef and there were maybe 3 or 4 total in there from what i remember. They get FRIKIN huge. I mean open a spiral notebook up and thats how big...
  4. bdhough

    unkown cause of death to clown goby

    Well if you can afford it get more rock in there. The more you have the better the rock can handle things like this. Your rock is your filtration. Even if its crappy base rock get it in there. It will eventually have all the life your live rock has. You could add 2 fish at a time like your...
  5. bdhough


    A 48 inch fixture is 150-250 dollars it just depends on who makes it, the wattage, and where you get it from. As far as whats best it doesn't really matter. Most anything you can buy from an online store is decent enough quality. The reason others shrooms are so good is because they have ALOT...
  6. bdhough

    yellow tang death

    Then that would be it. What do you use for calcium and alk? You can throw things off pretty quick if you do them all at once. I'll agree with beaslbob nothing else seems to be the culprit. Your ph may have tested fine but if it went from 7.8-8.2 or 8.3 in the space of a few minutes then that...
  7. bdhough

    six legged star

    Its possible. Talk to ophiura. She knows alot about stars if i remember correctly.
  8. bdhough

    six legged star

    He maybe fissioning into another star.... I've heard stars do that sometimes. I know the asternia's do it i don't know about the larger stars.
  9. bdhough

    juv imperator question

    Adults are more iffy if they will get along. The best thing to do to mix angels is get them from different seas if possible, get them young, and get them as different as possible. There are various genus families as well so if you picked one from holocanthus and paracentropyge.... I think the...
  10. bdhough

    pic of my tusk

    Harlequins don't eat fish. They eat inverts.... They just look like they eat fish. They are actually very docile towards other fish and if anything will get the crap kicked out of them.... If you've got the money(expensive), and no inverts then get one :)
  11. bdhough

    juv imperator question

    Great taste in fish Perodogo :) I can't decide on full size angels or a reef one day......
  12. bdhough

    20 gal...1 more fish?

    Sure. Thats good. If he's eating more and more. It only takes alittle food each day to sustain a fish. You'd be suprised. I think i could leave for a week and not feed anyone and it would be like nothing happened. The bicolor blenny is a good algae eater so get him some algae sheets in...
  13. bdhough

    3x55 pc in a 20 long (lps)?

    BTW instead of a clam try a nice brain. Both go in the sand and look good. One being much easier to care for.....
  14. bdhough

    3x55 pc in a 20 long (lps)?

    You might be able to one type of the clams, the lower light ones, i can't remember which they are i think the squamosas, but they get entirely to large for a tank like that. And you have plenty enough light to do quite a few things. I have sps under 130pc's in my 20 high....... But i put a...
  15. bdhough

    20 gal...1 more fish?

    Bicolor blenny would be fine. Get your clowns to eat first :)
  16. bdhough


    You need a 48 inch fixture. Look for those. They usually are dual 96 watt power compacts or quad 65 watt power compacts. You could also invest in a vho lighting ballast. If you have a canopy you can wire the ballast for 2-4 bulbs which would work as well. What kind of money do you have to...
  17. bdhough

    Anthias in a 25 gal.???

    I personally wouldn't try it. Anthias are to active for a small tank. More like a 55 would be better. Not to mention Anthias need to be fed more often due to their metabolism so you have a greater chance of polluting a smaller tank with that in mind. Just make sure you ahve a proper cleanup...
  18. bdhough

    Thinking of starting a new club at my school

    Be careful setting up a tank at school. Asking for trouble there.... No telling who will come in contact with said tank and screw things up unless it will be in a secure location. Set up cotw,fotw, support group/emails, trade corals, talk about ideas, etc. etc... Could easily be a half...
  19. bdhough

    formula two

    Thats about all you can do is feed them. As much as possible. Once you get a qt set up you're going to have to treat all of your fish in that tank for the ich to clear up.
  20. bdhough

    yellow tang death

    Hmmm. Interesting. Did he come over to the water streams when you did the doseings? I.E. did he think you were feeding him something and he came swimming over? Chems, i've heard, and seen, can burn a fish especially the alk's and calcium supplements. Are they powders or liquids? Maybe the...