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  1. trainfever

    WTB:30-45gal fish tank!

    A little while ago, you were trying to sell a 20 gallon hex for 100 and now you want to buy a 45 for just 100?
  2. trainfever


    Originally Posted by corally hey, my psedo was really nice! Never bothered anything. I know they have a bad rep though. He's not talking about a Pseudo, he's talking about a Damsel.
  3. trainfever

    trade or sale

    Ok, I'm around the corner from you. I'm down the street from Holme Circle on Maxwell St.
  4. trainfever

    Don't it make you mad when people LIE

    I would still have to call her and give her a piece of my mind.
  5. trainfever

    trade or sale

    Where in N.E. Philly are you? I'm in the N.E. also. I'm interested in the Kenya tree and Xenia. Email me at
  6. trainfever


    Well at least you wont have to tear your tank down trying to catch it when you want to start buying nicer fish.
  7. trainfever

    WTB sump in NY

    Yes, it's a 20 gallon long. Dimensions are 30x12x12. As far as traveling, I guess it depends on how far away you are. What zip is Milton anyway?
  8. trainfever

    Thinking about a sump and need some help!

    A good cleanup crew will remove solid waste.
  9. trainfever

    Fragged my first Xenia tonight

    My Xenia apparently is doing Ok. The branches are extended out through the netting. The only thing I am concerned about is how do I remove the netting from around the branches? It's been less than 24 hours and I've been told to leave the netting on for a week and that it takes at least 48 hours...
  10. trainfever

    WTB sump in NY

    How far are you willing to travel? This is a 20 gallon tank that I converted to sump.
  11. trainfever


    Then you should have plenty of space to put a sump/refugium underneath your tank. With a sump/refugium you can get rid of the cannister and there will still be more room for the UV.
  12. trainfever

    Fragged my first Xenia tonight

    Well I've been putting it off for a while now, mainly because I never had good luck with Xenia. They always died on me and this is the longest I ever kept one. So tonight I decide to do it, no one is home so I wont be disturbed. I gather everything I will need, scissors,a piece of netting, a...
  13. trainfever


    What is under your tank now that you have such a small amount of space?
  14. trainfever

    What would you do ?

    I'd also have it in the deal that you be able to frag the corals. That way you save a lot of money on having to start all over again.
  15. trainfever

    sump design PLEASE??

    Here is a pic of mine when I first built it. I made it out of a 20 gallon tank. I am now in the process of building a bigger one with a 30 gallon tank and will be geting rid of the 20.
  16. trainfever

    OK, really dumb question here

    My yellow tang eats green hair algae and poops brown hair algae.
  17. trainfever

    Do I need to feed my hermits?

    A real small amount of flakefood or whatever you plan on feeding your fish.
  18. trainfever

    Could too many snails hurt my system?

    I just got a great deal on 200 Illassarius Obseletta Nassarius(spelling?)snails, less than 10 cents a piece. My question is, would keeping this many in my 45 gallon tank hurt my system any? I also have a 20 gallon sump with a refugium. I plan on putting them in my refugium until they are needed...
  19. trainfever

    Hard Plumbing

    Are you telling me that you just have the hose pushed into the opening in the bulkhead? If you do, then you have a flood waiting to happen. There should be a hose barb cemented into the bulkhead and then the hose pressed onto the hose barb with a hose clamp holding it in place. I sincerely hope...
  20. trainfever

    Got a brand new toy...woooo its sexy!

    Originally Posted by Jer4916 To everyone on here, if you are rich and would like to buy me a new M5. I will take it. :) Now see, I'm not that picky. You dont have to be rich to buy me a car.