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  1. texasmetal

    Dallas World Aquarium

    It's a GREAT place. I can't believe they don't have any more cuttles in the Japan tank. :( that's sad. They had TONS of eggs all over it last time I was in, and just one old, worn out looking cuttlefish... that disappeared sometime between me getting there and leaving... Great that you got a...
  2. texasmetal

    My obsession

    Well she came from Florida but I can't say exactly who from.
  3. texasmetal

    My obsession

  4. texasmetal

    can a bluestripe pipe

    Should be fine as long as there is plenty of live rock for it to hunt pods in.
  5. texasmetal

    my new octopus!

    Originally Posted by stdio2 Your octopus is fantastic! I hope he lives a long time with you. I've had my pacific two spot for almost a year and a half, and dread the day she'll die. They don't last long after their eggs hatch. I didn't know mine was a she until she laid eggs. Oddly enough, they...
  6. texasmetal

    Comments On Aquascape

    Frogfish is going to require live foods occasionally, and definitely to start off with until trained to eat frozen. Your tank would be suitable for one of the smaller species though, like Antennarius maculatus. Any other fish would end up food.
  7. texasmetal

    "expert only" and "beginner" fish/corals

    While I think saying "all octopuses" is a bit out there, I agree that no beginner should attempt to keep them and all rare species should be avoided. Most of the common octopus species are quite hardy if proper husbandry is practiced which would require lots of reading and gathering information...
  8. texasmetal

    Guess What I Got!!

    Originally Posted by ImUrNamine He also wants an octopus, but I say no, no no!! Why not? :)
  9. texasmetal

    my new octopus!

    Originally Posted by krichardson playing with half of a plastic egg...haha Yay, toys :) It IS tiny!!!
  10. texasmetal

    Brittle Starfish just crushed and ate my cleaner shrimp?!

    Dang, that sucks. I had no idea they could be that aggressive. Whenever I feed my brittles I usually have to feed a little extra. My octopus tends to grab the stars and squish them until it gets the food away from them.
  11. texasmetal

    Pistol Shrimp

    Possible. We have one in a 140 gallon tank and although we hear snapping pretty often we haven't lost any peppermint shrimps.
  12. texasmetal

    any Pink corals???

    Anthelia is typically pink and very hardy. Avoid Scleronepthea and Dendronepthea. They're gorgeous, but pretty much doomed in a tank.
  13. texasmetal

    my new octopus!

    O. mercatoris (dwarfs) have been observed to live in communities together. One particular person on TONMO got a gravid female, it laid eggs, and she raised the second generation in two seperate tanks. They have since mated and some of them laid eggs. Several of her dwarfs have lived 13 months...
  14. texasmetal

    my new octopus!

    Originally Posted by krichardson thank you so much for the input! i will defiantly check out that website! and i agree w/ what you are saying about buying them only encourages their sales...but i couldnt leave the poor thing in the condition it was in at the LFS... i mean come on...they told me...
  15. texasmetal

    my new octopus!

    Originally Posted by prime311 Well to be fair the thing probly would've died at the LFS already iif Krich didn't buy him. Don't get me wrong. I know there is unfortunately no good way of going about it. Buy it and it encourages them to sell more, leave it and it will likely be contained in an...
  16. texasmetal

    my new octopus!

    Congratulations on your purchase of a seriously rare and possibly endangered animal. There actually is a ton of helpful information about octopuses online, it's "The Octopus News Magazine Online" if you care to google that. Of course that might be deleted by the time you read this because...
  17. texasmetal

    Introducing Fish

    Originally Posted by slackjawed and i totally forgot how can they grow on cheetos??"live feeders"i thought they had no food value?? Huh? Food value?
  18. texasmetal

    Aloha! - Pics from Hawaii Snorkeling!

    *drool* So jealous.
  19. texasmetal

    Petition - Please read - Mods too

    Originally Posted by zeke92 Ok, well this will benefit people with freshwater critters like me and people with agressive fish like..well..people with agressive fish, i don't know any here. Anyway, lets say you wanna get your octopus crawdads cause you can't afford to buy emerald crabs every...
  20. texasmetal

    Introducing Fish

    More like 1-2 years if you make an informed decision upon purchase. And way cooler than any fish (in my personal opinion). Fish don't shift shapes, change colors, skin texture, and color patterns all in a fraction of a second, and they can't "hold hands" with you. And with the right species you...