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  1. trainfever

    Freshwater tank to Saltwater tank?

    Hey Nabisco, do you happen to work there? I've been there for 25 years this past February. If so, which plant do you work at? email me off here
  2. trainfever

    caught the shrimp with the trap

    What is wrong with having shrimp in the tank? I just put a peppermint in mine. I thought shrimp were good as part of the cleanup crew?
  3. trainfever

    Opinions on Damsels

    Yellow damsels are definitely not a community fish. They are very aggressive and territorial. I found out the hard way.
  4. trainfever


    My tank is drilled and has a 1" bulkhead installed. From there, the pool hose drains into the filter sock holder which hangs on the left end of the tank/sump. My protein skimmer is in that section. Thats the section on the far left. From there the water travels over a 6" high baffle which stops...
  5. trainfever


    and one more
  6. trainfever


    and another
  7. trainfever


    here is another pic
  8. trainfever


    This is a pic of my sump. The refugium is on the right.
  9. trainfever


    I built it from an old 20 gallon tank that I had. I built it into the last section of my sump. The only cost for the sump/refugium was the cost of the silicone and the sponge I use to stop the bubbles. I had the 1/4" plexiglass and the tank. Then there was the cost of the other hardware such as...
  10. trainfever


    Funny you should post this because I just recieved my shipment of pods. For lack of a better word, I guess you could say that pods are insects from the ocean. I know there are copepods and anthropods but I don't know one pod from another. I am in the same boat as you. I bought a Scooter blennie...
  11. trainfever

    I think my feather duster is dead

    It's still alive. Part of its' foot? leg? lower section was uncovered today and it was moving around. So for now, it's still alive.
  12. trainfever

    Can't they all just get along?

    My favorite fish has always been the Copperband butterfly. I finally bought one today. I had a Racoon butterfly already in the tank. I like butterfly fishes. The CB is about an inch bigger than the Rac but the Rac is showing signs of aggression already. I was told that they would get along and...
  13. trainfever

    New to the Game - Changing CC to Sand

    The reason for leaving the CC in is because it has bacteria in it which is beneficial to your system. If you take the CC out, you will be taking out the bacteria which could cause a spike in your water levels. The reason to take the CC out is because it will eventually work its way back to the...
  14. trainfever

    Anyone here from Philly?

    Just wanted to know if there were any locals on here. I live in N.E.Philly, by the way.
  15. trainfever

    What Does Imo Stand For?

    It is an acronym. If you read the second thread in this forum, you will see it is a list of commonly used acronyms. It will be very helpful for you and will help you to understand what is being said.
  16. trainfever

    mangled clown

    Forget the bag float method, next time acclimate them with the drip method.
  17. trainfever

    I am adding a refugium to my sump

    I am adding a refugium to my sump and I want to know if I should buy more sand to put in there or should I use the CC from my nano cube? I just use the nano to cure live rock now. Wouldn't the CC have bacteria in it that would be beneficial to the refugium? I am expecting shipment today of algae...
  18. trainfever

    New to the Game - Changing CC to Sand

    I would just get a hose and syphon out the CC. Get yourself a few filter bags to catch the CC and then place them in your tank so as not to lose all your bacteria. You can take them out eventually.
  19. trainfever

    mangled clown

    How did you acclimate the fish? Sounds like he died through the night and they just were doing their job cleaning up.
  20. trainfever

    NEMO'S getting picked on

    Yea, happily married until his wife finds this thread.