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  1. trainfever


    Get your self a section of air hose about 6 ft. and tie a loose knot into it. Then get yourself a 5 gallon bucket or something similar and place your newly acquired specimens into it. Now start a syphon from your tank into the 5 gallon bucket with the airhose. The knot in the hose slows down...
  2. trainfever

    Apstasia, good or bad?

    No one else has any input on this topic?
  3. trainfever

    Apstasia, good or bad?

    I am just getting back into this hobby after about a 20 year absense. Anyway I was wondering what everyones opinion on Apstasia is. I have heard good and bad about it. I like the looks of it and I don't intend on having corals exept maybe some Xenia. So, what are your thoughts, and please...