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  1. trainfever

    inherited well established small reef aquarium....HELP

    Maybe you could apologize to your girlfriend and she will come back and take care of the fish for you? :D Just kidding. It sure doesn't seem like you are overfeeding them by any means. I agree with snipe, give them some sort of meat along with flake or pellet foods.
  2. trainfever

    Ick die off

    If you leave the rock out of water, then anything you have living on the rock will die and it will no longer be considered live rock. It will be considered dead rock. You wil probably still have to cure it somewhat because any of the dead organisms that are on it will start to decay and foul up...
  3. trainfever

    Question about buying from

    I am in N.E. Philly, you are about an hour or so from me. Dont you mean Iggles Stadium? :D
  4. trainfever

    Question about buying from

    Why not order the 50.00 package and another fish or two or maybe some food or other item you may need in the future? Ditto on what Todd said about adding them all at once. It shouldn't be any problem. Where at in PA are you anyway?
  5. trainfever

    Will LR help my pH?

    Adding baking soda will raise your PH. I personally would go to the LFS and buy the stuff there. They sell additives(that are basically baking soda with additives in it) that will raise or lower your PH. You can also add a t-spoon a week to keep it at your specific level.
  6. trainfever

    Micro bubbles??

    aw shucks!! :D
  7. trainfever

    feeding time

    I was feeding my fish today and the two Oscellaris clowns were dancing near the surface. So I decided to see if they would take the food from my hands. Sure enough, after about 30 seconds, the one starting taking nibbles from the piece of flake food I was holding. Soon after, the other one...
  8. trainfever

    Micro bubbles??

    Aha, I think we found your problem. You have your skimmer in the wrong section. It should never be in the last section of your sump/wet dry filter. The reason being is that a skimmer craetes bubbles which will get sucked into your return and then pumped into your tank. If you have live rock in...
  9. trainfever

    "live' question

    Why not get a length of large diameter hose and do a water change with it. You can then syphon out the CC as you do the water change. You could always put the same water back in and syphon it out again until you remove all of the CC. I am always getting CC in my hose whenever I do water changes.
  10. trainfever

    Filter ?

    It depends on the type of skimmer you have, if it's a HOB, then yes. If it's an in the sump skimmer, then no. An in the sump skimmer doesnt move the water in the tank.
  11. trainfever

    Micro bubbles??

    I wasn't sure of your return line. Some tanks have an adjustable return line. Where are the bubbles originating from? Are they in your sump and being sucked into your return line? Describe what kind of setup you have. Is your sump, a true sump or a wet dry filter?
  12. trainfever

    General setup questions

    I cant believe your LFS let you put that much fish in your tank all at once. You should add 1 or 2 fish at a time and then wait a week or 2 before adding anymore fish. When you do add more fish, forget the float method and use the drip method for aclimating your fish. When you say that your...
  13. trainfever

    to sump or not to sump

    Yes, get rid of the bio-balls. You on't need them. You have the live rock which is all you need for bio filtration. Having live rock and bio balls can cause you to have high nitrates. Get rid of the bio balls and put your skimmer in there.
  14. trainfever

    Micro bubbles??

    Do you have a ball valve in your return line? If you have too much pressure in your return line, it could be causing the bubbles. Also, check the angle in your return line. Too much of a downward angle will create bubbles. Is the opening of your return line above or below the water surface?
  15. trainfever

    A little help with water readings.

    Ant, I'm not saying that your nitrates are high, they are not. I am saying that over feeding will cause them to rise and that snails and crabs will not lower them, only a water change will do that. I have always been told to feed them every other day. That is what I do. I don't think over...
  16. trainfever

    Want to see your bio load lists

    Right now I only have a 12 gallon Nano cube. I am in the process of moving a 37 gallon fresh water tank and replacing it with a 45 gallon saltwater tank. Anyway, in my Nano I have: 2 Oscellaris clowns 1 Engineer Goby 1 Serpent star 1 Fidler crab 6 hermit crabs 6 snails 20 lbs Live rock
  17. trainfever

    A little help with water readings.

    A water change will lower your nitrates, crabs and snails will not. You should only be feeding your tank 2 or 3 times a week. That could be what is causing your high nitrates. Over feeding will cause your nitrates to rise.
  18. trainfever

    A little help with water readings.

    Well first off, never replace evaporated water with saltwater, always use fresh water. When water evaporates, the salt is left behind. When you added more saltwater, you added more salt to your system. Everything else looks good but you want to keep your nitrates as low as possible. Are you...
  19. trainfever

    Does anyone else order from aquatic supply catalogs

    I don't have any catalogs but I sure would like to know where I can get some. Who are good places to order from?
  20. trainfever

    JEBO 2003 Protein Skimmer

    No one has any experience with these?